Page 94 of Overtime

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“What the fuck, Rob?” Trevor stands in front of me, panting like an angry bull. Jeff makes no move to hold him back. “I didn’t even have my hand up. Why would you say I was lying?”

A smirk I don’t mean to let loose crawls over my lips. “You told me about her last month, Trev. I’m sorry if you didn’t want anyone to know.”

He collapses onto the bench beside me then nudges me. “It’s fine. I was just trying not to be a jackass in case word got back to her.”

Before I can react to that, Jeff slaps me on the shoulder. “What about you?”

“What about me?”

Jeff raises his wooly eyebrows. “Were you lying? You can’t judge a whole room full of your brothers without offering yourself up, too.”

My face heats up as all eyes train on me. Well aware I’m about to sign my own death warrant, I clear my throat. “I wasn’t lying. I haven’t been with anyone.”

The expected hoots and hollers reach catastrophic levels in my ears, but once again, Jeff silences the mob.

“Maybe there’s something wrong with your dick then?”

“Jesus Christ!” Alex throws his hands up. “Rob’s dick is fine. Christian’s dick is fine. All our dicks are fine!”

I shoot Alex a quick half-hearted smile of gratitude, even though I know his protest falls on deaf ears.

Jeff turns toward Alex with an eerily calm expression that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand at attention. “Prove it.”

“Prove what?” Alex huffs.

“You feel so strongly everyone here is packing heat, including yourself. So. Prove. It.”

Alex rolls his eyes then drops his drawers, much to the shock of the entire room. He fists his limp dick, whipping it around a bit like a helicopter. “See? Everything’s fine in happy land. Before you ask me to prove it works, I want you to know I’m full-on hetero and not interested but flattered by your offer.”

Mike’s eyes are bulging out of their sockets when he meets my gaze. Our friend has well and truly lost his mind.

Jeff shakes his head, but a small smile threatens to crack his tough-guy facade. “You sure you’re a wide receiver, Fossoway? You seem more like a lineman to me.”

Alex looks down at his own dick. “What the fuck, man? How do you get that from the size of my shaft?”

“Not the size of your cock, dumbass. The lengths you just went to in order to protect your quarterback.”

The poignancy of Jeff’s statement is lost in his poor choice of words.

“Show us your lengths, pussies!” Anthony cackles. “I bet none of you are packing any heat!”

The varsity squad heckles us in chorus. Shouts to show them what we’ve got mix with laughter about liars and virgins.

My entire body goes up in flames when Jeff turns toward me with a scary glint in his eye. “Another thing you should know about being squad captain, Falls. Sometimes you gotta give your guys what they want. JV players, line up and take a page from Fossoway’s playbook.”

My gratitude for Alex’s distraction incinerates.

Knowing we’ll be hazed worse if we don’t comply, one by one the sophomores and freshmen in the locker room line up as instructed and let down their pants amid raucous laughter from the upperclassmen.

“I don’t even think their balls have dropped yet!” Anthony heckles.

Yeah. I’m more convinced than ever he was lying.

Cold air hits my groin as I join the rest of my team. No matter how much I try to seem unaffected, my balls goes back into hiding mode out of a sense of self-preservation that I can’t control. I keep my gaze locked on the Warriors seal painted above the lockers. No way am I about to judge the guys standing half naked next to me. I don’t want to know about these stats.

“Whaddya think, boys? Think our JV guys have what it takes to pop some cherries at Ironville?”

“Not with those limp noodles! Get ‘em up, fellas!”

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