Page 99 of Overtime

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“Women 101.”

“It’s the Holy Grail.”

My teammates’ excited words and reading skills blur in my brain, which is feeling particularly sloshed after an invisible tackle.

“It’s a trap.”

The guys stop practically ripping the worn pages out and stare at me.

Trevor shakes his head. “How could this possibly be a trap? Look at it, Falls! Magazine clippings, hand-written notes, hell! There are fucking instructional drawings in here that make Playboy look like a knock-off. This is decades’ worth of information!”

“It’s a set up,” I emphasize. “How can you forget all the shit Black has put us through for the last two years? Why would he just pony up a gift like this if there weren’t strings attached or a heavy penalty to pay?”

Not even Mike sides with me. “You’re paranoid. Seriously, some of this stuff is gold.”

As the JV team captain, I have to try one last time to save their sorry souls. “I’m telling you, this stuff will only get you in trouble. Don’t read it. Treat that book like the plague.”

They ignore me, poring over their presumed holy grail of the female gender.

Shaking my head, I make my way out to the practice field without the rest of my squad.

Before I even make it to the sidelines, Jeff shakes his head, a grim expression on his face. “Where’s your team, Falls?”

“Enjoying your little gift.” Stupid teammates, stupid Jeff, stupid everything.

“I’m disappointed in you.” Jeff claps me on the shoulder, and it still fucking hurts in spite of my shoulder pads. “I thought you’d pass.”

I don’t even bother not rolling my eyes. “Was this another test?”

“Yup. How are you gonna lead the team next year without me? You couldn’t even convince them to get their asses out here and learn how to make a playoff run. That book is full of so much crap, even Fossoway might never land another date.”

Fuck. I knew it.
