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6 Get Ready for This

Senior Year

“Holy shit,”Christian tears into the locker room with wide eyes, looking over his shoulder like he’s being followed. “Did you guys see the tits on the new girl? I’ve had a boner all day. I couldn’t stop staring at them.”

“I’m telling Dara.” Trevor pokes his head out of his locker with a shit-eating grin.

Christian shrugs. “I’ll deny it.”

“Of course, you will.” Mike rolls his eyes.

Alex leans against the bank of lockers, his arms crossed over his chest. “They’re more than a handful, for sure, but I think they’re fake.”

Everyone freezes in place at the disappointed tone in Alex’s voice.

Christian pokes Alex in the shoulder then eyes him suspiciously. “Who are you, and what you have done with the Alex I know and love?”

Alex shoves him away. “Never say you love me again.”

“Never imply you don’t love boobs again,” Christian retorts.

“I do love tits. Real ones.”

Trevor slams his locker shut then openly gapes at Alex. “You’re telling us you would turn down fake Ds for real A cups?”

Alex tips his head from side to side, seeming to think it over. “I’m telling you my preference is real double Ds.”

Mike rubs his chin. “I dunno. I think anything more than a handful is a waste. Cs are the way to go.”

Alex frowns. “You’re just saying that because Chelsie is a C. You wouldn’t complain if you could magically titty-fuck her tomorrow.”

Thank God Trevor and Christian pull them apart because I do not have the energy for this shit today.

Trevor pats Mike’s shoulder once he’s no longer holding him back. “I’m with Mikey. There is such a thing as too much to handle. Cs are ideal.”

“What do you know about it?” Christian scoffs. “You’ve probably only touched a single pair of tits in your entire life.”

“Don’t be a sore loser just because your girlfriend’s ass is three times the size of her tits,” Trevor volleys back.

“Hey!” Christian points a menacing finger at Trevor. “Dara is a 36B, plenty to fondle. And I’m an ass man anyway.”

“Oh my God.” I rub my throbbing temples. If their girlfriends overheard this conversation, they’d never see boobs again. Or asses. Or anything else. “Will you assholes shut up? You should be grateful you’ve ever been allowed to see breasts, let alone touch them. Get ready and get on the field. Is that too much to ask?”

An evil smile spreads across Alex’s face. “What’s wrong, Falls? Are your panties all in a twist because you got assigned a seat next to your favorite A-cup tits in Bio today? Disappointed you’ll be so close without touching for a few months?”

He knows exactly what kind of disappointment I live with on a daily basis. “Don’t start with me. I am not in the mood.”

One of our sophomore linebackers sidles up to me with a confused expression. “You really like flat girls more than big titties?”

I turn my eyes to the ceiling, praying for an ounce of patience I don’t have. Before I can explain my perspective that a girl’s mind matters more than any of her physical assets, Alex whistles.

“Warriors! Raise your hand if you’ve ever seen naked tits!”

The little sheep do as they’re told without a second’s hesitation. Almost everyone raises their hands.

“Who’s been lucky enough to touch?”

Not as many hands go up, but it’s still easily three-fourths of the team. Unless people are lying, which they probably are.
