Page 13 of Half of My Heart

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“You bet there’s been a huge misunderstanding, and it’s that you think you can waltz into our lives four years later just because the story has been made public, and now everyone knows you are a deadbeat dad!” I flinch at her words, because fuck they hurt, but I see the torment in her eyes. I see the pent-up anger and pain she’s had to endure because of me, and I know I just need to let her have her moment of getting it all out, right here, right now. No matter how hard it’s going to be for me to hear it.

“I will not let you take my child away from me. I have been doing just fine without any help from you! I don’t want your money or you in our lives. It’s one thing to not want me, but to not want your own child? And then to finally show up only when the story will affect your career?You’re disgusting!” she yells out, her eyes overflowing with hatred for me. “I would never have slept with you if I would have known what a despicable human being you are. I want you to get the hell out of my life, you fucking asshole!”

Her chest is heaving and she’s sucking in air as if she can’t breathe anymore, but I’ve stopped paying attention to her. A small, tiny hand appeared on Jenna’s thigh and that is all I can concentrate on. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from that little hand until I saw Jenna’s fingers entwine it into hers. My gaze slowly travels to a small chin, adorable pouty pink lips, beautiful brown hair and then right to her eyes.

Blue eyes—the exact color as mine—staring right at me.

Staring right into my soul.

I hold my breath, my eyes sucking all of her in at once because I know without a shadow of a doubt this child is mine.

I have a daughter.

A daughter whom I haven’t met in four years.
