Page 25 of Half of My Heart

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I’ve gotto get out of this place.

I glance at my watch to see that I still have another two hours to go before I can leave and board my plane back to Chicago. It’s been a long week of doing press and having meetings and quite honestly, my mind just hasn’t been into it. Usually, I love talking about my upcoming movies and meeting with directors for potential future projects, but I realized that the only place I want to be right now is back with my girls, getting myself acclimated into their lives and vice versa.

I’ve talked with Avery multiple times since I’ve been away, each time my heart aching when it was time to hang up with her. I can tell she’s starting to get used to talking with me, each conversation getting easier and less awkward, which gives me hope that the transition of her spending time alone with me will feel natural for her.

Jenna, on the other hand, is a different story. Each time I try to engage in conversation with her, she rushes off the phone or quickly hands the phone to Avery. It’s obvious that it’s going to take her a whole lot longer to get used to me than it will for our daughter. I’ve started texting more with Robert, hoping he can provide insight on how to better understand Jenna and learn ways to support her when she refuses my help. I can tell he’s hesitant about talking to me, as if he’s betraying Jenna, but I think once he sees my intentions are good, he’ll come around.

“Cal, did you hear me?”

I look over at my publicist and give her an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, Liz. Can you please repeat what you said?”

“You and Cora will exit the car at the same time and take photos together and then separately.”

“Why do we need to take photos together?” I question, not wanting to put any more speculation out there than there already is about us being a couple.

“What’s the matter, Cal? Am I cramping your style?” Cora laughs in jest but I’m pretty sure she can sense the change in me. I had completely forgotten that I agreed to attend the Oscars with her, because it has been almost a year since Philip brought it up and requested I attend. I didn’t think twice back then about Cora coming with me because as a friend, she has accompanied me to many premieres and events. But Cora has changed and I’m realizing that the friendship has always been one-sided. I need to shield my daughter from the ugliness of Hollywood and that may even include Cora.

I don’t bother answering Cora’s question and instead, give her a quick smile before turning my attention back to Liz, who makes it no secret that she can’t stand Cora. She proceeds to give us our instructions about tonight’s events and tells me what time I need to leave my seat to go backstage to get in the presenters’ line.

“Once you are done presenting, mingle a little bit backstage, take photos with any other actors who are back there and then proceed back to your seat.”

“I won’t be returning once I’m done presenting. I have a plane ready to take me back to Chicago tonight,” I tell Liz, who quickly whips out her phone and starts texting someone.

“What?” Cora questions, a surprise look on her face. “Since when did this happen? You can’t just leave me, Cal.”

“You’ll be fine, Cora. I’m sure Liz can arrange for some handsome bloke to be my seat filler.”

Liz rolls her eyes while Cora shakes her head.

“Well, that’s pretty shitty of you to inform us now,” Cora says, her voice laced with irritation. “Why do you need to get back to Chicago so quickly anyway? I thought your new movie hadn't started pre-production yet.”

I stare at her, wondering if she’s really forgotten all about my daughter or just doesn’t give a shit.

My guess is the latter considering she hasn’t asked me once about Avery.

“I want to get back to my daughter, Cora. I have a lot of catching up to do with her.”

“You have a lifetime with her, Cal. The Oscars are a rare opportunity if you don’t get consistently invited.”

I clench my jaw and give her a death glare at her insensitivity. This has always been what matters most to Cora. Not friendships, not love, but fame, power, and money. She’s one of the most beautiful women in the world and could have such an incredible life with Sean if she would just open her eyes and her heart to him, but instead she is filled with malice. She has a giant chip on her shoulder and thinks the world owes her for her shitty childhood but yet, she gives nothing in return.

I’m relieved to see we have pulled up to the Dolby Theatre and have entered the receiving line. The air in the limo has become hostile and I want nothing more than to get the fuck out of here.

“I’d rather spend every waking moment with my daughter then one minute in a room with fake fucks who pretend to be my friend but only want me for my name and what I can get them.” I lift my chin up at Cora and without waiting for her response, I open the door and exit the car.

* * *

Eight hours later, I’m standing in front of Jenna’s door, running on adrenaline to see my girls. I’m just about to knock when the door swings open and Jenna starts to step out but screams, not anticipating seeing anyone at her doorstep.

“Ah!” She places a hand over her heart and grips the doorway. “You scared me!” I reach out to steady her and am about to ask if she’s okay when Avery’s voice interrupts me.

“Cal!” She yells in excitement as she runs past her mother and jumps into my awaiting arms. I give her a bear hug and inhale her delicious scent. She lets me hold her for a few seconds before she pulls back and gives me one of her gorgeous smiles, making my heart mush in her hands.

Fuck if this is not the best feeling in the world.

I look over at Jenna to see her staring at us in awe and it gives me a chance to check her out. She’s decked out in workout clothes again and I must say, Jenna in workout clothes is just as sexy as Jenna in a formal gown. I clear away my salacious thoughts and remind myself to behave.
