Page 9 of The Shame Game

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Her hands fluttered in the air for a second before she obeyed, her fingers spreading to cup each bouncing globe from underneath, avoiding the clamps, and squeezed lightly.

He shook his head. “Harder,” he demanded, and slapped her clit.

Her scream rent the air, her hips jerking so hard she almost unseated him. If her ass hadn’t simultaneously clamped down on his cock, she might have.

“I said, squeeze them harder,” he ground out, and lifted his hand again.

“Don’t,” she begged, her hands squeezing much harder now, fingertips denting the soft flesh. “Don’t.”

“Good girl,” he praised. He pumped into her ass a little harder and watched her breasts bounce. “What a good little slut you are.”

Fresh color flooded her face, and he wondered briefly if she was pleased with the praise or embarrassed by it. Making a mental note to ask her later, he moved just a little bit faster, and kept talking.

“You like my cock in your greedy hole, slut?” he asked, grinding the words out as he thrust heavily into her. She nodded, sweaty hair flopping over her brow. “Say it.”

“I like it,” she gasped, her hips lifting into his jutting cock, and he knew she was starting to feel it.

“Say it all,” he commanded, and, tangling his fingers in the thatch of sweaty, matted pubic hair, yanked.

“God!” Her hips shot up, desperate to ease the tension, and his cock sank even deeper into her. “God!”

“All of it,” he repeated. He eased his grip slightly as his hips picked up speed. “Or I’ll smack that fat little clit again.”

“I like your cock in my ass,” she said, her breath coming in desperate pants, her hips rolling up to meet his thrusts.

“That’s not what I said, is it?” he snarled, twisting his fingers in the hair to pull the strands tighter and up, toward her belly button. The action tugged on the skin around her clit, his favorite way of working it without touching it, and though the action wouldn’t do much, he knew it had done enough when she moaned. “Try again.”

“I like your cock in my greedy, slutty hole,” she wailed. “James, please!”

“Grab the clamps.” He pumped his hips faster, racing now. He kept one hand planted on the mattress, digging his knees in for leverage, the other still tangled in her pubic hair. “Grab them, Amanda.”

She fumbled to obey, her hands sliding on her sweaty breasts. She’d either have to pinch them to compress the spring and relieve the tension, or simply pull them off. Pinching was nicer.

“Pull them off.”

“Please,” she whined, her fingers poised on the ends of the clamps. “Please, let me pinch them.”

“You disobey me on this, and I swear to God you won’t sit down for a fucking week,” he ground out.

She was breathing so hard it sounded as though she were sobbing, and her eyes pleaded wordlessly for mercy, but he had none. He was hanging by a thread, barely holding back his own orgasm, pounding into her now. Her ass was fluttering around him, her belly rippling under his hand as her orgasm built. The clamps coming off would hopefully send her over the edge, and as soon as they did, he could let his own release come.

“Amanda. Pull.”Thrust. “Them.”Thrust. “Off.”

She sucked in a shuddering breath, her body tightening as she braced herself, then she yanked the clamps off her swollen nipples, and for a heartbeat, relief flooded her eyes. Then her gaze was full of pure, screaming agony as blood rushed painfully back into the abused little nubs, and her head went back on a cry and she began to come.

“Thank fuck,” James breathed. Her ass clamped down, and he dropped his head and drove his hips forward, powering through the clenching muscles. Her left foot skidded off his shoulder and whacked him in the jaw, but he barely felt it. His orgasm seemed to come from his toes, rushing through his body in a tidal wave of sensation. His guttural groan escaped through gritted teeth as white-hot pleasure dimmed his vision and roared in his ears, and he emptied himself into the condom.

He hung there a minute, sweat dripping off his face to splash onto Amanda’s belly, the room filled with his ragged breaths and her whimpering pants. His mind shifted sluggishly to what came next. He needed to pull out, get up and deal with the condom, then give her the aftercare they both needed. They’d need to talk about the scene, what they’d done and how they felt about it, but that could wait until morning.

He pressed a soft kiss to her sternum, gentle and sweet. “I’m going to pull out,” he murmured, and waited until she managed a feeble nod before he moved.

He went as slowly and as smoothly as he could, but still she flinched. He petted her leg, her hip, whispering nonsense words of comfort, and quickly dealt with the condom. He stood, wincing a little when his back twinged, then turned to scoop her into his arms.

“Your back,” she murmured, snuggling close.

“It’s fine,” he assured her, and carried her into the adjoining bath. “Tub or shower?”

“Tub,” she said with a sigh. “But I have to pee first.”
