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“Are you sure you’re not just embarrassed that billionaire Everett Drake mistakenly got married? Everett, you seem like a great guy, but people 'in like' don't get married. Nor does like keep them married. It takes more."

"Maybe we can find more in time.”

“How much time? What if we can’t? Is this about us not having a prenup? I don’t want your money, Everett.”

“I believe you. But believing you makes me want this to work even more. I've been honest about not wanting a divorce all along, Isabel.”

Everett had been painfully honest from the beginning but…she wasn’t sure what she’d thought. Maybe that he'd change his mind. Or lose interest. Especially once he knew there wasn't a baby involved.

Rationally, she knew he was right in thinking there were couples out there with less in common than they had, but it didn't mean she wanted to be one of them, struggling to hold a marriage together that had begun as a prank in the first place. It was only a matter of time until it fizzled. And more than anything, she'd like to think they could end things on good terms and still be friends rather than angry and upset because…

"Take a chance, Isabel. Come with me. See what happens. You never know, you might have fun."

"The last time we had that much fun, we wound up accidentally married."

"Good thing that can't happen again then, huh?"

He lifted his hand and framed her jaw, the heat of his touch calling to a place buried deep within her.

"Let me treat you to New York in style. It's the least I can do since I’m the one who opened the wrong door in Vegas." He tilted his head to one side as he waited for her answer. "Say yes."

She could practically hear her mother shrieking and clapping with glee. Amelia, too. But more than anything, she heard her inner Izzy laugh-crying at the turn of events and the awareness of just how badly her Vegas adventure could have turned out…versus the man before her. "Okay."


"Yeah, I’ll go. Thank you." His grin warmed her insides to a lava-like degree, and she shifted uncomfortably. "You'll have to let me know exactly what kind of events so I can borrow some outfits off of Amelia."

"I'll take you shopping."

“No. It's fine.” The image fromPretty Womanflashed into her head, and Isabel immediately shook her head. She didn't want him spending money on her. Not like that. No matter how rich he was.

When Everett woke up and realized some things couldn’t end happily, she didn’t want him thinking she’d used him in any way. His connections for her agreement to accompany him was a fair trade. After all, her work would have to do the rest, though he’d gotten her foot in the door. "Amelia has a ton of stuff for all the premieres she's invited to, and seeing how she's very pregnant, she's not using any of them. She won't mind."

He didn't look pleased by her refusal of the additional gift but accepted it as though he knew not to push too much.

"Whatever you prefer. Now, how about you go nap while I clean up the kitchen?"

"You're going to clean?"

"I do know how to scrub a pan, Isabel."

"How do I know you won't peek at my work while I'm asleep?" The moment the question left her, she knew she'd said too much. He'd seemed okay with her statement earlier, but now that she'd brought it up again...

Everett lifted his other hand to her face to gently cup and gave her an inquisitive look.

"Are you hiding something, Isabel?"

More than you'll ever know."I don't like people looking before I'm finished with a project. Because if you do, I-I can't finish it," she said, hoping God would forgive her the fib. "It's like it loses all of its energy and I-I have to set it aside."

"Well, I wouldn't want to be accused of ruining your next piece. You have my word, I won't look at it. But I hope I'm the first to see it when you've finished."

She gave him a tentative smile but made no promises.

Everett seemed to notice, so when the smile didn't work, she shifted forward to press her lips to his. She felt his moment of surprise that she'd willingly offered a kiss but didn't let it stop her. She needed to see if their chemistry was real. Not just a figment of her imagination or a fun time in Vegas clouded by champagne bubbles.

Not just the fantasy of a handsome billionaire and the thought of the holidays and trip to come.

This was a kiss for her.
