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"Oh. Hello again," she said, her expression full of curiosity. "Can I help you with something?"

Everett felt ridiculous, like a teenager hiding in the bushes to scope out his crush, and was thankful he'd left Isabel's coffee and scones outside her door. "No, thanks."

"Not home, huh?" she asked with a head tilt toward the door.

"I'll try again some other time." He'd hoped the evening hour meant catching Isabel at home so their conversation could remain private, but instead of planting himself on one of the outdoor benches or upstairs in the hallway and waiting for her like a stalker, he felt it best to move on. In the meantime, he'd drink his coffee and…maybe take a walk on the beach? Jacob and Tomas would not approve, but again, incognito had its benefits. No one would guess he'd be anywhere near Carolina Cove, much less out of New York City.

"You know, when Izzy stopped by yesterday, she said something about a baby shower for a friend at her parents' house. I believe it was this evening."

He tucked the information back with a nod. "Thanks. Maybe I'll stop by there."

"I could give her a message if you like," the woman said next. "Text her that you're coming so she can be on the lookout for you?"

"I appreciate that but I'm hoping to surprise her." He watched as the woman's gaze sparkled with unspoken questions.

"I see. Well, have a good evening," she murmured.

"Thanks. And thanks for the coffee. It's good."

The woman walked away with the trash while he turned on his heel and headed back toward the boardwalk and the ocean.

Once he reached the boardwalk, Everett paused long enough to pull up the recently acquired info on Isabel's family. He found her parents' address and lifted his head to get his bearings before he used his GPS and followed the boardwalk lining the dunes down several streets.

The views from the wooden planks were spectacular, and with the seagulls squawking overhead and the waves crashing against the shore, some of the tension inside him eased with every darkening shade of the sky.

He took off the sunglasses and shoved them into the V of his shirt for safekeeping, then stared up at the elegant house belonging to Adam and Mary Elizabeth Shipley.

Knocking would mean coming up with an excuse for him seeking Isabel out in such a manner. Something a man didn't do at this time of the evening without a very good reason. He had one. But not one he wanted to share among her family and friends just yet.

A child's laugh sounded from behind him and drew his immediate attention. He watched as a man, woman, and the little girl moved off the boardwalk and crossed to a house farther down the street, using the seaside entrance.

What would it have been like to grow up here? Summers spent playing with your neighbors and siblings? Days on the sand rather than a cold and sterile boys' school or at camp studying, training, or working? Evenings putting together puzzles or blowing bubbles or playing at the arcade he’d noted a few doors down from the pier?

The front door opened and a small group of women left the house. He nodded at them, catching the smiles and looks of interest as they passed him.

Instinct kicked in and Everett hustled up the steps, catching the door before it closed. Maybe it was presumptuous of him to simply enter, but given the crowd, he’d take his chances.

He paused just inside, noting the elegant furnishings and party decorations as well as the remaining well-dressed guests chatting in small groups as they gathered purses and jackets.

Laughter drew his attention, and he followed the sound into what appeared to be a living room. A balloon arch lined the wall of windows facing the ocean, and a mountain of gifts in baby-oriented bags were stacked in and around an empty chair.

Everett heard a familiar laugh and turned toward the left, zeroing in on Isabel's blond hair in the adjoining kitchen. She laughed again at something someone said, the sound throaty just as tempting as he remembered.

Silence descended the moment one of the women with Isabel spotted him. Several ladies now stared his way, and Isabel turned to see what had captured their attention and turned the chatty group silent.

"Hello. May we help you?" an older woman asked, giving him a wary glance.

He forced his attention away from Isabel and on to the woman. "Yes. Please, forgive the intrusion."

Isabel looked wide-eyed and completely shell-shocked as recognition dawned, and Everett questioned his timing once more. Maybe he should've waited to find her, but having spent the week unable to contact her, he hadn't wanted to wait another second. "I apologize for letting myself in, but the door was open and… I'm Everett Drake, a friend of Isabel's."

"Well, don't just stand there. Come in," another woman said, sliding Isabel a questioning glance.

When Isabel remained unmoving and mute, he chuckled and hoped she wouldn't come to and make a scene before he could explain himself. "Surprise."

Isabel's throat moved as she swallowed hard, her hand fluttering in front of her. In the other, she held a small plate of finger food.

"Isabel?" the older woman said.

Isabel finally straightened to her full height and set the plate aside, moving quickly to where he stood. "Everett," she said, greeting him with a strained smile.

He didn't allow the forced cheerfulness to bother him. He imagined she was quite surprised to see him.

Whispering for his ears only under the guise of a hug, she asked, "What are youdoinghere?"

His gaze swept over the many feminine faces watching their every move before he lowered his lashes and planted a chaste kiss on her cheek to disguise his murmur. "We need to talk."


"The fact that we're legally married,wife."

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