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It wasn’t a lie.The kids had told her Kyle had been asked to speak at a prestigious banquet and would be out of town all week.


“Oh, Hadley, you’re alone?I’m so sorry, hon.”

“I’m fine,” Hadley said, wishing she had another glass of champagne if for no other reason than to give her hands something to hold to stop the tremor she was forced to try to hide.

Mary Elizabeth enveloped Hadley in a hug, and she counted backwards in an attempt to maintain her composure.It felt good to be hugged by someone who’d loved her literally her whole life.Too good because the ever-present tears quickly formed and threatened to overflow.

Amazing how such a simple gesture could open up a tidal wave of emotions.

“You’re not.But no worries.I’m here for you,” Mary Elizabeth said when she finally released Hadley.“Come on.Let’s get you something to drink.”

Hadley nodded and thanked God for the reprieve even though she knew it would be short-lived.Mary Elizabeth might be satisfied with Hadley’s excuses, but when her mother found out Kyle wasn’t there?

More questions were coming.The too probing kind.

Hadley smiled when Mary Elizabeth linked their arms and began the slow, ambling shuffle through the throng of guests.The flutes weren’t far from reach, and even though she knew she ought to pass given her empty stomach and the one she’d already had, Hadley gratefully accepted a second glass.

“Your mama is in with Ms.Georgia.Come on, I’ll walk you.”

“Oh, do we have to?”The words slipped out before she could stop them, and she saw Mary Elizabeth’s gaze narrow.

“Hadley?Oh, honey, what’s wrong?”

Hadley’s expression must have given her away.Or maybe it was that, of all the Babes, including her own mother, Haddie was closest to Mary Elizabeth.“Nothing.Sorry, yes, of course, let’s go in.”

“Wait.Hadley, what is it?What’s going on?”

“Nothing.I’m fine, I’m just… It’s Nan.I don’t… I don’t want to think of her that way, I guess.The image.I-I’m okay, though.Really.”

Mary Elizabeth’s expression made it clear she saw more than Hadley wanted her to.

Hadley wet her lips and tried again.“MeMe, please just… I can’t talk about it.Not here.Definitely not now.”

Sadness darkened Mary Elizabeth’s gaze, but she nodded and mustered a reassuring smile for Hadley.

“I see.Well, today is about Ms.Georgia, so let’s focus on her for the time being and leave that talk for later.Shall we?”

Hadley nodded at the question and took a fortifying sip of the bubbly.“Thank you,” she said softly, “even though Mama probably won’t agree.”

“Oh, Cheryl can be trying but we’ve got her number after all of these years.You leave it to me.”

Mary Elizabeth patted Hadley’s arm and turned to lead the way through the throng of mourners once more.

Hadley spied her mother at the end of the long receiving line, looking as regal as ever with her hair swept back in an elegant twist, the skirt of her black suit the perfect length.

Hadley felt older than her mother at this stage.Maybe she should’ve paid more attention to those lectures on proper skin care.

“Haddie, will you be staying in town tonight after the service?”

Hadley’s grip on Mary Elizabeth’s arm tightened.“No.”

“I see.You’re worrying me, sweetheart.I feel you trembling, and while I know you’re upset over your grandmother’s passing, I’m not convinced that’s the reason for your distress.”

Hadley closed her eyes for a long second before opening them again, staring at the ugly little dots in the carpet beneath her feet.“It’s not.Kyle…”

She couldn’t say the words aloud.She just couldn’t.Even though Mary Elizabeth was the one person Hadley knew she could trust to be supportive.
