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Mary Elizabeth sipped her coffee and waited for Tessa to join her at London’s Lattes, a little coffee shop set several streets back from the pier but within easy walking distance.

Tessa had promised to be on time, but as yet she was ten minutes late, and Mary Elizabeth was losing patience.

She went back to looking at the laptop in front of her, frowning at the screen.From the Google search she’d just typed in, it would be impossible to get a DNA test without Bryson knowing.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” Tessa said as she hurried toward the table where Mary Elizabeth sat.

“I locked my keys in the car and had to wait on Allie to come with a key to the house so that I could get the spare.I would’ve walked but Allie said she had to come right now because of picking the girls up in a bit from their swim class.”

“It’s fine,” Mary Elizabeth said as she always did whenever Tessa gave her excuses.“You’re here now.”

“Let me get an iced latte and we’ll figure this out.I’ve got an idea.”

Mary Elizabeth fought off her nerves and took another sip, glad she’d chosen decaf.

She kept the computer screen turned toward the wall so there was no chance a passerby or customer sitting nearby could see.

Finally Tessa returned after placing her order, the owner herself promising to bring her drink to the table when it was ready.Mary Elizabeth looked at her somewhat desperately.“I don’t know why you insisted on meeting.This is impossible.”

“Nothing is impossible,” Tessa argued.

“It is.We can’t very well walk up to him and ask for a cheek swab or blood sample,” she said, careful to keep her voice to a low whisper.

Tessa tilted her head to one side, her mouth twisted as though she bit the inside of her cheek.

“Maybe not.But we can get a hair sample,” Tessa said.


“You know how much I love crime stories.Bruce and I watched one last night where they did a DNA test on someone’shair.I asked Bruce if that actually worked and he said it’s accurate.”

Mary Elizabeth blinked at her friend.“Okay, but how do you propose we get a sample of his hair when we don’t even know the man?”

“Easy.I’ll offer to give him a free haircut.”

Mary Elizabeth blinked and sat forward in her chair.“You can do that without making it totally obvious?”

“Here you go.”

They both turned toward London, the owner, and stared.

“Whoa.You two look like you’re plotting to take over the world,” London said with a teasing smile.

Mary Elizabeth forced a smile at the coffee shop owner and firmly shut the lid of the laptop.“Just girl talk.”

“Must be serious.Let me know if I can bring you anything else.Enjoy, ladies,” the woman said as she walked away.

“Seriously, can you do that?”Mary Elizabeth asked the moment London moved out of earshot.

“Of course.There’s always a chance he’ll say no, but I’ll do my best to convince him to accept my offer, and when he comes in, I’ll get what you need.”

Mary Elizabeth palmed the cup in front of her and stared at her friend, unable to express the level of her gratitude.

Tessa reached over and placed her hand on Mary Elizabeth’s, squeezing gently.

“It’ll be okay, MeMe.Breathe.”
