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The three of them had shared a lot of laughs while working, and she was glad to note that, despite her mother’s instant dislike of Hershey, Mary Elizabeth and Tessa had no problems bonding with the gentle dog.

Hershey had lapped up the attention with nonstop tail wags and had been on her best behavior so long as she was able to see what was happening from her confinement in the kitchen.Once they’d moved to an area out of Hershey’s sight, the dog had whined and gotten stressed.

Hadley supposed it was only natural for Hershey to worry that her new owner would abandon her like her old one, but the sounds had broken Hadley’s heart.She decided she needed to make a point of leaving Hershey home alone for short periods at a time at first, and then longer ones, to teach the dog that she would return.

After a quick shower, Hadley walked downstairs, and a low grumble sounded from behind the barrier of baby gates Hadley had erected to keep Hershey in the kitchen and out of trouble.

She met Hershey’s gaze through the gates she’d purchased from a moving sale down the street.“I hear you complaining but see?I came back,” she said, opening the gate.“You were just fine.Nice and safe.”

Hershey stared up at Hadley with her big sad eyes, and Hadley had to hold back a grin.“You were a good girl today, Hershey.Yes, you were,” she said, petting the dog.“So do you want to go take a walk now?”

Hershey barked and hurried toward the door.Hadley grabbed Hershey’s leash, and when the dog saw it, she immediately sat on her haunches so Hadley could fasten it to her harness.Whomever Hershey’s original owners had been, they’d given up a wonderful dog.

Hershey picked up her commands almost instantly and was smart enough to know not to give Hadley trouble fastening the leash because it would delay going outside.

Hadley locked the door behind them and they headed across the yard.Due to the time of year, Hershey wasn’t allowed on the beach, so Hadley stuck to the road and boardwalk area and gave Hershey free rein to sniff and sprinkle to her heart’s content.

The setting sun had turned the sky bright pink by the time Hadley walked Hershey back to the house.

Hershey growled and Hadley had one foot on the porch step before she realized she wasn’t alone.“Dad…hi.What are you doing here?”

Hershey was strangely silent, tail low but cautiously wagging as she stared at their visitor.

Her father stood and held out his hand for the dog to sniff.Hershey gave her father a wary stare before moving closer.After a moment, her tail lifted and began to wag in earnest, and Hadley took it as a good sign of her father’s mood.“Would you like to come in and see the progress we made today?Mary Elizabeth and Tessa came over and helped me paint the living room.”

“You painted it?”he asked, following her into the house.

Hadley lifted her chin as she turned.“I painted the bathroom, and they helped me paint the living room.”

“You could hire someone.You have the funds to do it.”

“I know but…why spend the money when I can do it myself?I think we did a great job and it was a lot of fun to spend time with them.Besides, I need something to focus on.To keep busy.”

She glanced at him and broached the subject they’d avoided thus far.“Dad, look, I know I owe you an apology.And Iamsorry.I handled things badly but…all I can say is that I was so overwhelmed, I wasn’t sure what to do.When my head finally cleared some, so much time had passed that I couldn’t tell you.”

Her father knelt and filled his hands with Hershey’s soft fur.

“Some things are too painful to share,” he said finally.“I don’t imagine any divorce is easy.”

“It wasn’t.I hated every moment of it.I thought… Some days were very dark,” she said simply, truthfully.“And I know, if you’d known, you’d have been there for me but… I needed time to process things on my own.To get through them and come out the other side.The kids were there for me, at least until Kyle began playing Disney dad.”

Hershey nuzzled her father’s chest and gave him what Google had told her was a “Doodle hug,” something the dogs were prone to do to show affection.

“Aren’t the kids a little old for Disney?”

“One would think but…a dozen trips in a year would indicate otherwise,” she said with a wry twist of her lips.

Her father shook his head in disgust and stared into Hershey’s big brown eyes.

“I’ve always wanted a dog.”

“Really?”The news shocked her.“You always told me I wasn’t allowed to have one.”

“Your mother doesn’t like them.She’s scared of them, and since I traveled so much, she would’ve been the one home with it.”

“You’re retired now.Maybe you can soften Mom up?”

A low chuckle sounded from her father’s chest.
