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Several days later, Bryson slowed his truck as he drove along Southport’s busiest street, his gaze zeroing in on the brunette woman walking along the sidewalk.

He’d recognize Hadley anywhere, especially now.

Hadley had avoided him ever since that night when she’d appeared and asked him to kiss her.And even though things hadn’t progressed beyond kissing, there had been a lot of it—until Hershey’s incessant barking carried over from next door.

Hadley had used the excuse to escape and bolted, and she’d remained elusive ever since.

He drove a half block and then whipped the truck into a parking spot.It was lunchtime and his stomach growled from hunger, but he decided to take the opportunity that had presented itself.

He’d driven to Southport to pick up some faucets and other supplies he needed.The store in Wilmington had been out of the ones he wanted, but the Southport location had them in stock.The order now waited for him but it could wait a while longer.

Bryson called Hadley’s name as he jogged across the street to where she stood gazing into a window.“Hey, I thought that was you.”

“Oh, uh, hey, yourself,” she said, her beautiful gaze hidden behind dark sunglasses.

He took in her outfit, admiring her long legs revealed by the bright shorts she wore with a white top.“Shopping?”

“Browsing.I’ve always loved the store down on the corner, and the internet said it carries the paint I’m looking for, so I decided to take some time to explore.”

“I know that store.Mind if I join you?That’s a great place to treasure hunt, and I need a mirror for the powder room downstairs.”He’d planned on getting one at the box store, but it was as good an excuse as any to spend time with her.

“Oh, sure,” she said, taking a step in the store’s direction.“I thought the owner usually picked out such things?”

“The owner is.”

It took a moment for his words to sink in but he could tell by the drop of her jaw when they did.

“You own the house?”

“Is it that surprising to you?”

“No, but—Why haven’t you mentioned it before now?”

“If someone only finds me socially acceptable because I own an oceanfront house, they’re not someone I care to get close to.You kissed me thinking I’m just a working man.That proved you understand the difference.”

He held the door for her to enter and watched as she shoved her sunglasses atop her head.Bryson tucked his into his shirt collar and followed her inside.

“Welcome!Oh, what a lovely couple,” a woman said as she approached.“How are you today?Are you looking for something in particular?”

“Oh, we’re—”

“Just looking,” he told the lady, interrupting Hadley before she could specify their friendship status.

“Well, it’s a beautiful day to be out and about.Let me know if you need any help.”

Bryson noted the rosy color of Hadley’s cheeks and wondered if her embarrassment was due to him referencing their kiss or the woman assuming they were a couple.

“The, uh, the fence looks great,” Hadley said, pausing at a display of beach-themed signs.“Thank you for getting it done so quickly.”

“You’re welcome.Is Hershey home alone?”

“Yeah,” she said, wincing.“She has a lot of separation anxiety.The recommendation is to leave her alone a bit longer every day just so she knows I always come back.I, um, called your office and paid for the fence this morning.”

Was that why she thought he’d stopped to talk to her?“Yeah, I know.My assistant told me.You could’ve just come over, you know.”He lowered his voice.“But then you would’ve had to see me again and you’ve avoided me after what happened the last time…”

Hadley bolted once again, face reddening to the point of looking painful.Whatwasshe so embarrassed about?
