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That evening after the service and burial, Hadley sat in Adam Shipley’s beautiful home office along the Carolina Cove boardwalk facing the Atlantic in complete shock.

When her mother had insisted they go to see Mary Elizabeth’s husband before Hadley returned to Raleigh, she should’ve known something was up.But this?“You’re saying it’s…mine?”

“Yes.Georgia listed you as the sole heir to everything.Her house, bank accounts.With the economic downturn, the amount isn’t what it once was, but the long and short of it is that you are now a wealthy woman,” he said, peering through the glasses perched on his nose as he read the papers in front of him and gave her the staggering amount.“Congratulations.And welcome to the neighborhood once again,” Adam said, a gentle smile on his craggy features.

Hadley felt as though she was out of her body, floating in the room, watching herself as glanced at her parents and found them looking at her expectantly, pleased smiles on their faces.“Youknewabout this?”

“Of course,” Cheryl said.“We have a home we love just a few doors down and are fine financially, so after some discussion, Mama decided to bestow it on you, though I’m not sure why she only listed you.Will Kyle be upset?”

“I-It’s fine,” Hadley said quickly.“I-I mean, it’s not something that has to be addressed right now.”

“I suppose that’s true.As to your getting the house and money, Mother and I agreed it was the best inheritance she could give us since it would bring you, Kyle, and the kids here more often.”

“Time flies,” her father said in a sage tone.“Retirement will be here before you know it.And living at the beach is a good way to get your children to come visit, though, truth be told, that hasn’t been the case for our own the last couple of years.”

Oh, if they only knew.But now wasn’t the time to tell them.Not on a day like today.“I-I know, Dad.I’m sorry.Things… Things have been crazy w-with the kids in sports and graduating and going off to college, a-and Kyle’s practice.”And his after-hours activities.

“We completely understand.Butnowyou’ll have even more reason to come visit since you own the property,” her mother added.“Oh, I do wish Kyle could’ve been here with you to hear the news in person.We should call him right now and—”

Adam cleared his throat and drew everyone’s attention back to him.

“We’re not finished,” Adam said to Cheryl.“Hadley, I’m sorry for your loss,” Adam said, “but let me assure you Georgia was thrilled to be able to do this for you.There is quite a bit of paperwork for you to sign for the transfers, but I hope it gives you comfort that you’ll be taken care of.”

Hadley stared into Adam’s kind eyes and realized… Heknew.

Oh, Lord, have mercy.As an attorney handling the transfer of the estate, he would’ve…Really?

Her stomach knotted up so fast and tight she felt ill.

“Her last request, as it were,” Cheryl said, nodding.“Mama was very specific inallof her wishes.Which, by the way, did youhaveto tell Mr.Samson to play that awful music at the funeral home, Adam?It was horribly embarrassing.”

Adam chuckled as he got to his feet and rounded his wide desk.He held out a hand for Hadley to take, and when she did, he gently squeezed her fingers and gave her a packet with the blue wrapped deed.“We’ll get the paperwork sorted out after dinner,” he said quietly.“Or…next week.Whenever you’re ready.”

“Thank you,” she said, watching as she clenched her fingers over the envelope to keep from meeting Adam’s knowing gaze.Her godfather was as sweet as Mary Elizabeth, and right now, one wrong glance and she’d be a puddle of blubbery tears.

“As to the music selection,” Adam said to her mother, voice rising to a normal level, “Georgia lit up like a Christmas tree when she made those arrangements.She loved to talk about her honeymoon and all her travels with Ed,” he added, referring to Hadley’s grandfather.“Her choice of music was a delightful surprise to so many and paired perfectly with the photos of their romance.Think of that, Cheryl.”

“It was just soodd,” her mother muttered.“And hardly suitable for a funeral.I can’t believe she chose that over the hymns we’d discussed.And a bar?How am I going to face the ladies’ group come Saturday?”

Hadley smiled and lifted a hand to hide the fact.No doubt the hymns were discussed by her mother, but as part of the perfect picture of the perfect funeral, if there was such a thing.But Nan had gotten the last say—as she should have.

Hadley stared down at the papers in her hand, trying to come to terms with all the changes the news brought with it.Relief poured through her, but at the same time, panic overwhelmed.What if she couldn’t manage things well?If there wasn’t enough money to pay the taxes and bills and insurance on the house?Such a huge gift carried a huge weight of responsibility as well.

“Hadley, Georgia also wanted me to give you this, to be read privately,” Adam said, turning to retrieve something from the desk.

The smaller white envelope was addressed to Hadley in Nan’s beautiful handwriting and sealed tight.The sight of the elegant, looping cursive brought tears to Hadley’s eyes and she hurried to blink them back as she glanced at her mother.

Cheryl looked more than a little curious as to what the letter might say, but Hadley had a feeling she already knew.She tucked it and the deed into her bag, though forcing herself to wait rather than rip the letter open wasn’t easy.

She stood when her parents did, legs trembling from the news and shock she’d received.

Oh, she’d thought that maybe she’d receive a small sum as an inheritance since she was Nan’s only grandchild, but she’d never expected to inherit the oceanfront property—and funds to cover expenses?

Much needed funds.

She could live,breathe, and not worry if she’d lose the roof over her head if one day Kyle woke up and just decided he wouldn’t pay the spousal support court-ordered by the state.

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