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He opened the door for her and wondered what she would’ve done had he shown up in his logo-ed work truck.Would she have insisted on driving her car?Made an excuse and refused to go?He wouldn’t mind knowing the answer.Just to satisfy his curiosity.

His mood darkened at the thought, and he told himself to shake it off as he climbed behind the wheel.“Downtown, right?”

“Yes.The arts district near the Cotton Exchange building.”

Bryson backed out of the drive and struggled to find a topic of conversation that would get Hadley talking.With this being an official date, he felt more pressure to try to entertain.

“I love the island at night,” Hadley said, staring out her window.“It’s busy but quiet, and the sunsets are always amazing.”

He inhaled and forced his nervous energy away.“Have you had dinner?We didn’t discuss that.We could stop somewhere along the way if you like.”

“They’ll have hors d’oeuvres at the gallery, and I promised Izzy we wouldn’t be late.She’s really nervous about this one, since it’s her first since her big splash in New York.”

Izzy wasn’t the only nervous one.“No problem.So your friends know we’re coming?That I’m coming?”

Hadley smiled at him from across the interior of the car.

“Yes, and they’re all very excited to meet you.”

Great.No pressure there.“And they know what I do?”

The moment the question emerged from his mouth, he mentally kicked himself.Way to keep his insecurity low-key.“I mean… I’m sorry.That sounded bad, didn’t it?”

“Yes, it did.”

“I get it.It’s just after your mother’s response to seeing me at your house, I’ll admit I’ve wondered how much their approval matters to you.”

He stared straight ahead, foot heavy on the gas while he waited for her to respond.

“Bryson, what do you see when you look at me?”she asked softly.

He turned his head, surprised by the counter question.“I see a beautiful woman.Smart, kind,” he added, remembering her with her friends Mary Elizabeth and Tessa.Both women had sung Hadley’s praises, not that he needed to hear them.

“Want to know what I see when I look at you?”she asked him.

His hands tightened on the steering wheel.“If you want to tell me.”

“I see a handsome, hardworking man who is also kind and smart and sweet.A friend I’d like to get to know better.”

His hand loosened its death grip at her words.“Guess I’m a little nervous meeting your friends.I know I’m not your usual type.”

Hadley laughed softly.

“What?”he asked, smiling because he couldn’t help it.

“Do Ihavea type?”

“You know what I’m saying.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Hadley… You grew up in an oceanfront home.Married rich—”

“I married a college student I then put through medical school,” she countered dryly.

“And now you’ve inherited an oceanfront home,” he continued.“I’m just saying, I get it that people are going to see us together and…wonder why.”

“Who’s to say they’re not wondering why you’d choose to date such a shallow-sounding woman?”
