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“He’s in an assisted care center in Wilmington after he took a fall last summer and broke both hips.”

Oh, poor man.She was grateful to them for caring for her son but also angry that they’d been allowed to raise him whereas she… “Did Bryson marry?Does he have children?Was he… What?”

“Sweetheart, I understand your curiosity, but I think these are questions you need to find out for yourself.”

Even though that meant asking Bryson?Revealing herself and her identity to him?Confess what she and Tessa had done in order to discern the truth?

And then what?“How do I tell him?Howdo I walk up to him and tell him I’m—” Her voice broke and she couldn’t finish the sentence.

“I suppose you just have to set your mind and do it.Then wait for the consequences.”

“And if he doesn’t want anything to do with me?”she asked, voicing her greatest fear.“What if he’s angry because he thinks I didn’t want him?What if he has no interest in knowing me and then I’ve told him and… It’ll break my heart.”

“Don’t worry about something that might not happen,” Adam said, his hands rubbing up and down her arms.“What you need to decide is who you’re going to tell first.The girls?Or Bryson?”
