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“Are you sure?Have you asked?”

“Kyle, Hershey is mine now.When I got her, I promised her I wouldn’t abandon her.”

“She’s a dog, Haddie.And a messy one at that.”

“I’m not giving her up.”

“Fine.But I’m not walking her or picking up dog poop.”

“No one has asked you to.”

Kyle turned on his heel and headed down the steps, mouth twisted in a mulish line because she hadn’t immediately acquiesced to his demand.

She slowly made her way across the porch and down, the doubts she’d quelled earlier turning into full-blown disbelief as she followed his long strides down the walkway.

As familiar as it was to be with Kyle, it wasn’t the same at all.She’d lost her ability to ignore his childishness and overbearing demands, and the knot in her stomach grew to the size of a beach ball.

In fact, as she watched him walk ahead of her like some arrogant royal, Hadley couldn’t help but be aware that something important was missing.

Was she being overly critical—or was her love for him truly gone?
