Page 63 of Anywhere With You

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“No one’s ever wanted me the way you do.” When he didn’t seem to hear, she asked, “Bex? You still with me?”

Color crept into his cheeks. “Sorry but seeing you in this bikini cleaned out the entire cache of memories since birth.”

She smiled. She didn’t think she’d ever been happier than in this moment. Still, she hesitated to expose her naked body to him. “Promise you’re not going to regret this in the morning?”

“I fucking guarantee it.” His gaze flicked up to hers, dead serious. “For a man who writes about feelings for a living, I’ve failed in the worst way possible because I haven’t paid attention to my own. I write about love, but if you really listen—”

“I do. I’ve heard every word. You write about the love you don’t have. A love so elusive you don’t understand why your muse keeps pushing you to write about it.”

“I didn’t realize that until I met you, but yes, that’s right. Della, the first time I laid eyes on you, I was looking out the window of the bus. I saw this sassy blonde talking to Martin, and I just…it was like I recognized you.”

Is this real? Is he really saying this?Her pulse fluttered wildly in her throat.

“There’s this moment in a song called a fermata. It’s when you pause, when there’s nothing but silence. And that’s what happened to me when I saw you. The engine of my life stopped, and I was so completely in that moment, watching you laugh, the spark of intelligence in your eyes, your independence…it rocked my world.”

Her body couldn’t contain all this happiness, this desire…this need.

He stood before her, an imploring look in his eyes. “You rocked my world. And now that I have you in my life, I’ll be damned if I’m going back. So, if you’re wondering why I’m not thinking about the band or my ex, it’s because this moment with you is what I’ve been waiting for, and the only thing that can stop me from taking it is if you tell me no.”

She believed him. She wanted him. And she’d never been more scared in her life. “Bex?”


She dropped the bikini top and stood naked before him. Looking like he’d been given the greatest gift, he leaned in, pressing his mouth lightly over hers. Feathery kisses, one after another, trailing to her cheek and down the column of her neck. He cupped her breasts in his big, warm hands—never breaking the rhythm of his whispered kisses.

Her skin pebbled, her nipples hardened painfully, as his mouth dipped into her cleavage. When his thumbs flicked gently over the sensitive buds, she arched her back, desire ripping through her.

His hot mouth closed over one peak, and he suckled while his tongue licked slow circles. Her legs trembled from the rush of sensations, and she locked her knees to keep upright.

Palms skimming down her back, he clutched her ass, lifting her. He carried her over to the bed where she was enveloped in the scent of rose petals. Stretching out beside her, his gaze swept from her eyes to her mouth, lingering there before wandering down to her breasts and the trimmed thatch of hair between her legs. Finally, it drifted all the way down to her red-painted toes.

Hand on the back of his neck, she brought him closer and kissed him. Letting him know with her tongue and her hands how much she wanted him. “Is this a dream? I’ve never felt anything like it before.”

“Neither have I.” He swooped back in and claimed her mouth.

Fear hovered on the periphery of her pleasure, making it impossible to sink all the way in.

Why? What are you so afraid of?

But she knew. It was so good with him—too good. It could be snatched away at any moment.

And that’s it right there. Exactly what Bex had told her. That the loss of her mom had shattered her ability to trust.

I want to trust him.

And if I don’t…if I let fear guide me, I might lose him.

Oh, God. No. No, no, no. She couldn’t lose him.

Fear only has a body if I breathe life into it. And I choose to live in this moment right now when the man of my dreams, my soulmate, is loving me.

She didn’t realize how tentatively she’d been kissing him until she let herself go. And when he moaned, it filled her with so much joy. It broke the chains, freeing her.

“There you are,” he murmured. “Give me all of you, Della. Every single bit of who you are.” Her response seemed to be the key to unlock him because his tentative caress turned urgent. He possessed her mouth, captured her breast, and his hand claimed every inch of her hot skin as he stroked his way down her stomach, his fingers dipping between her legs and parting her curls.

When he stroked inside her, sensation sizzled through her body. Her back arched, and her hands clutched the back of his head. “Bex.”

Dropping to his knees, he grabbed her ankles, lifted them to his shoulders, and licked between her legs. When he found her clit, every cell in her body burst into Technicolor, electrifying her. He kissed her most sensitive core as lustfully as he did her mouth, making her hips writhe. When his tongue swirled around her sensitive nub, she arched off the bed, gasping, moaning, completely lost in erotic sensation.
