Page 80 of Anywhere With You

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“Ah, okay. So maybe that’s where he wants me to go next…?”

Fighting a grin, Mauricio clamped his lips shut.

“I mean…” She read the last stanza again. My arms, my smile, jar of daisies. “It has to be the universe, but it’s not like there’s an observatory in the village.”

His eyebrows lifted.

“Wait, there is?”

“It’s small, but because the village sits against the mountains, we have the very best viewing in the valley. It’s on the penthouse level.” He reached for a keycard on the desk. “Enjoy.”

“It’s open?”

“Normally, it’s only open on Wednesday and Sunday nights.”

Her spirits plummeted. “Then, I don’t understand.”

“We’ve made an exception for you.”

“Thank you so much.” Breathless, she found herself racing toward the elevators. What had Bex planned for her in an observatory? She didn’t know about cell service in an elevator, but she shot him a text.

Della: What is happening right now? I’m heading up to the observatory.

Della: I miss you so much, and I love you love you love you.

Della: Also, I’m sorry for saying you don’t know how to do scavenger hunts. You rock at them!

Slipping her phone into her coat pocket, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirrored walls. Her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes sparkled. Her heart clutched with love for this man. How did I get so damn lucky?

The elevator landed, the doors parted, and she stepped into a quiet hallway. An arrow on the sign in front of her pointed left for the observatory.

Excitement danced under her skin like champagne bubbles. No one was around, but the door to the observatory was ajar. She stepped inside. “Hello?” It was a small space with a domed ceiling. About a hundred seats made a semi-circle around an enormous telescope.

The door closed behind her, and she whipped around. “Hello? Hey, I’m in here.”

But then a single light blinked on like a star in a night sky. One after another, bulbs lit on the ceiling, and then she sat down when she realized the stars spelled out the word Will. “What is happening right now?”

More lights flicked on in rapid succession. You.


“Oh, my God.” She popped out of her seat, looking around. “Bex?”


“Yes. Are you freaking kidding me?” And then out of the corner of her eye she caught movement. She turned to the end of the aisle to find Bex on bended knee. She screamed and raced toward him.

He stood in time to catch her around the waist, hugging her so tightly he lifted her off her feet. “Della.” Her name came out on a rush of breath loaded with relief.

“Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.”

His hand cupped the back of her head. “You’re gonna marry me?”

“Yes. Oh, my God, yes. I love you.”

He kissed her, a hungry claiming of her mouth. “I love you so much.”

Setting her down, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a red velvet box. Flipping it open, he presented her with the most stunning ring she’d ever seen. Four emerald-cut rubies surrounded the fifth and largest gem in the center. It was a showstopper.
