Page 128 of Empire of Ash

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I shiver.

“Uh, yes?”

“Mr. Cross would like to speak with you.”

A cold chill creeps up my spine. I glance at Gus and Jack, who both just nod grimly. Jack leans close to me.

“Say the word, and we’ll run with ye, Ella.”

I shake my head.

“I’ll just be a few minutes, guys.”

I turn back to the big guy and nod. He turns, gesturing with his head for me to follow, and I do. We wind through the bar, and then down a back hall to a staircase. Up that, my pulse thundering in my ears, we head down another dark, sultry black-wood hallway, until we get to a black door with gold filigree on it.

The man just nods at it, turns, and walks away.

I take a slow, shaky breath as I raise my fist to knock.

Here goes nothing.

My knuckles rap the wood. The response from inside is instant, as a deep, heavy voice call through it.


I swallow the lump in my throat as I twist the knob and swing it wide. Across a sumptuous, dim, and elegant-looking office-slash-lounge, a tall, dark-haired man in a dark suit standing at a bronze bar cart turns. I shiver when his stormy blue eyes hook mine.

Slowly, his lips curl.

“Ella Ashford,” he growls quietly, smiling a quarter smile. “Or should I say Ransom. I hear you’re looking for me.”

I frown.


“Well, you’re here, aren’t you? And I’m guessing you have… well, probably several questions for me.”

“Just one, actually.”

He arches a brow, smirking.

“Well come in, join me for a drink. And then let’s get to answering that one big question of yours.”
