Page 80 of Collision

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“No,” I laugh. “He didn’t. He was surprised and actually a little pissed I showed up.”

Mikaela’s jaw drops.

“What?” I’m grinning now, seeing her brighten back to the Mikaela I know. “I wanted to help.”

“I was so mad at Jamie.” She laughs loudly and points to the alley beside her apartment. “Turn down there and the spaces are at the very end.”

“Youshouldprobablyheadhome soon,” Mikaela sighs as she nuzzles into me on the couch. We’ve been laying like this for hours now, her curled into my side, my arms wrapped around her with some cooking show playing on the TV, and it almost feels as if the nightmare of this evening never happened. The defrosted bag of peas, tossed into the sink after Mik made me hold it against my hand for half an hour, is the only reminder of it all.

“Not tonight.” I feel her heart beat a little harder at my words and laugh a little.

“But rule number two.”

“Rule number two,” I remind her, “stated that sleepovers were reserved for absolute necessity. Tonight it’s necessary.”

Pushing up to look at me properly, Mikaela smiles sadly.

“Honestly, Ben. It’s not necessary. I’ll be okay alone.”

“I know you will be.” My hand brushes down her spine as I speak. “But it’s necessary for me. Is that okay?”

Her mouth twitches at the corner, the tell-tale sign that Mikaela Wilcox is feeling a little shy, and I move my free hand to her face, brushing my thumb over her lips.

“I can go home if you want me to, Mik.”

She shakes her head as she leans in slowly.

“No.” She kisses me gently. “I want you to stay.”

“Good.” I pull her so that she’s on top of me and she squeals with laughter. “So it’s settled. The rules are in tact.”

“Mhmm.” Mikaela wiggles against me, her legs now straddling my sides. “Yes, they are.”

She grins when I roll my eyes and brush my fingers up her sides, pulling her t-shirt up with my movement, and her eyes drop to my lips.

“So,” I whisper, “rule number one stays in place. That’s a definite. But did we ever settle on what, exactly, rule one covered.”

She gulps as my fingers dance over her skin, over the thin lace of her bra, and caress the parts of her I can’t see.

“Erm I think -” Her voice is thin and her breathing hitches as my thumb slides beneath the delicate material and brushes against her nipple. “Clothes stay - clothes stay on.”

I pull her down to me as she speaks, my lips skimming across her jaw, and she squirms against me.

“Clothes on,” she repeats, “or we won’t stop.”

“Hmm.” She tastes of jasmine and honey and salt, and my tongue sweeps over her throat before I kiss and suck at her skin.

“Ben.” It’s a whisper - just a whisper - and my groin aches in response.

Mikaela pulls my hands from beneath her shirt as she sitsup and I push up so that we’re face to face, twisting slightly to accommodate for this new angle.

Her eyes are burning in the darkness, liquid emerald, and I am enraptured.

Her lips crash into mine, carnal and untamed, and her fingers weave into my hair, tugging gently as I groan. She knows it drives me crazy when she does that. Feeling her wrapped around me, it’s intoxicating. My hands grip her hips, pushing her against the growing erection straining against my jeans, and she gasps against my lips.

I shift again, lifting her slightly as I move, laying her down on the couch and crawling over her. My fingers move from her hips to her hands, moving them so that they’re above her head. Breaking the kiss again I move to her neck, nipping and sucking as I push against her and she moans.

Holy shit.
