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“Tell us everything.”

I start by telling them about the new case I got handed to me today, and how the client is someone big and that we aren’t able to discuss much about it outside the firm.

“It’s just unreal, guys, this rarely ever happens. Especially to first-year associates. If I want to make a name at this firm, this is the time to do it. This will put me on the map. Basically, we have to schmooze the client, tell them everything they want to hear, be everything they want, for them to choose our firm and from the sound of it, not landing them is not an option.”

Holland leans over, wrapping her arm around my stress-tightened shoulders. “Listen, you are Emery Davidson, the baddest, most stubborn and hardworking bitch that I know. You’ve got this in the bag, no question.”

I nod, not entirely convinced.

Thank God I’ve got my girls and this drink to distract me. The margarita is strong and sweet. Exactly how I love it. My tongue slides along the rim, licking the bitter salt as the tequila slides down my throat with ease.

“I needed this too,” Lea says, “I’m a glorified assistant at the firm I’m at.”

My lips tug into a sympathetic frown. I get it. I totally do. “It’s going to pay off, Lee, don’t worry. We work our way up the ladder, and then five years from now, when we’re on our way to being junior partners and rich, we’ll look back and say this was nothing.”

Ana nods. She’s not a lawyer, but a pediatric nurse at the hospital. She specializes in working with NICU babies. Specifically, babies that are born prematurely. We met at the library for the first time, and the rest was history. She became a part of our girl gang.

“Not to rain on everyone’s parade but…” Holland looks at me with her nose crinkled. “Reed and the guys are coming.”

“Holl,” I groan into my margarita.

“I’m sorry, I know, I know, but your mom has Evan tonight for a sleepover, and he and the guys were at home playing Xbox or something, so I was trying to be nice offering them to come. Honestly, I didn’t think they’d take me up on that offer, but they did.”

Great. Hockey players travel in packs, so I’m sure that means that my least favorite person will be coming too.

“Oooh is Hudson coming?” Ana wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.

“You are out of control.” I laugh. “It’s fine, we’ll do girls’ night soon. I’m not going to stay late anyway; I have to be at work at five tomorrow if I want to impress Brandon.”

“Who’s Brandon?” Lea asks.

“The junior partner I’m assigned with on this case. He’s really nice. We went over all the material we have and agreed to meet back tomorrow to handle the rest.” I drain the rest of my margarita and lick the salt from my lip. “One more drink.”

Famous last words.

I’ve spent the last hour taking shots with my brother, who insisted he owed me for being out of town when I celebrated passing the Bar. He obviously didn’t owe me anything, seeing as how he bought me a brand-new iMac, MacBook and iPad as a graduation present, but who am I to pass up free top-shelf tequila?

Not to mention that now I have to endure sitting at the same booth as Graham Adams, who my brother, of course, brought with him. And of course, he looks even sexier than the last time I saw him.

That asshole.

His perfect tousled hair, and ridiculously attractive dimples.

“No more.” I groan. “I’m going to puke.”

Reed laughs, deep and loud, and it echoes off the walls of the small bar, even over the music. “C’mon, you used to be a champ.”

“Yeah, well, age does that to you. I’m not going to be able to move tomorrow.”

Shit, tomorrow. I have to work. Why in the hell did I do all of those shots?

I was peer-pressured.

And because I’ve spent the better part of the night ignoring Graham, I distracted myself with said shots. Even after all of this tequila, I’m still trying to avoid his eyes at all costs.

My head feels heavy, and the room in front of me seems a tad bit fuzzy, but at least I feel good. Buzzed, relaxed. Happy to be with all the people I love, even though the guys crashed our girls’ night.

Suddenly, my phone sounds, and when I glance down, I see it’s my boss.
