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“Listen, Em, it’s important to me, okay? It matters to me, even just meeting them. You’re important to me.”

His words hit me straight in the heart, and I groan out loud. “Stop tugging on my hormonal pregnant heart strings, Adams. Truly, I don’t think I can. You know this huge case just landed in my lap, and honestly, I’d rather endure fifteen vaginal exams than be on a plane with you for an extended period of time.”

“What you really mean to say is wow, Graham, your cock is so huge, and I love when you do that thing with your tong-”

I’m tempted to end the call, because it would serve him right, but instead, I lie, “If only that was true, I wouldn’t be using my trusty friend BOB.”

He tries to speak, but I continue, “I’ll talk to my boss tomorrow about working remotely, but I can’t make any guarantees, and let me be clear, the only reason I’m even considering this is for the twins, and because of your mama.”

I hear his sigh of relief through the speaker.

“Thank you, Davidson, even though you just lied to my face about how great my cock is. There’s also one more tiny thing…”

Silence hangs through the line.


“I kind of accidentally slipped up and told her we’re engaged.”

This time my jaw flies open and the spoonful of peanut butter falls into my lap. “You did what!” I screech. “Have you lost your damn mind?”

“I know, but she just made me feel like shit, without actually trying to make me feel like shit, and I panicked alright, I fucking panicked, and now she thinks we’re engaged, and I am not going to be the one to tell her that I lied, and neither are you, if you want to have a father for your kids that’s not a gravestone.”

My god, this keeps getting worse and worse by the second.

I don’t evenlikeGraham Adams, how in the hell do I pretend to want tomarryhim?

“I’m punching you in the face when I see you.”

He laughs, unaffected by my threat of bodily harm. “I’ll gladly take it. If you do this favor for me. I just… I can’t disappoint her, Emery. Please do this for me, and I’ll be on my best behavior.”

Sighing, I mull over his request. I don’t know how we will pull this facade off either way, but I don’t want Graham to get caught in a lie.

He’s an idiot. But, he’s an idiot with good intentions.

“I’m not saying that I’ll do this. And I don’t even know if Icanwork remotely or take time off. And even if I did say yes, and I was going to help you cover your enormous lie out of the goodness of my heart, I am not a country girl, Graham. Mud and bugs freak me out.”

A loud timbred laugh floats through the phone, warming my insides, which I promptly ignore, reminding myself that his charm is what got us into this situation in the first place.

“Babe, I’m not asking you to muck stalls. Just meet my mom and sister, pretend we’re happily engaged when we spill about our little beans. Get it, spill the beans. I’ll be forever in your debt.”

“First, don’t call me babe. Second, if and only if I agree to this, I’m not even sure that I can pretend that hard, Graham.”

He sighs, long and hard. “It’s not like we’re going to be full-frontal PDA. Just think about it, okay? Know that it would mean a lot to me.”

“Alright. I’m headed to bed. I have to have the meeting with my boss tomorrow about the twins and my stomach is in knots. I’ll bring up the working remote thing or taking time off. It’s not like I’ve taken a vacation in all of the years I’ve worked for him, so there’s a possibility. ButI’m not saying yes, okay?”

“Done. Sleep well…babe.”

I end the call and pick up the dropped peanut butter spoon from my lap, contemplating how I ended up caught in this tangled, annoyingly complicated web with Graham in the first place.

Oh yeah, the stupid scorecard, which led to his magic cock.

Which I refuse to think about, and now… I’m thinking about it. At this rate, my battery-operated boyfriend is going to run out of juice in a week.

I’m a single, hot, independent woman with a kick-ass career and I’m resorting to using to my BOB because I’ve taken a vow of abstinence from my very hot baby daddy, whose muscles have names I don’t even remember, and who, without even trying, has me ready to rip my underwear off and toss them at him.

If that’s not a complicated situation, I don’t know what is.
