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Five months ago,I had a hookup schedule, and now, I’m bringing ice cream to my pregnant baby mama, who answered the door wearing bunny slippers and an old t-shirt with the words Harvard across the front.

Who has never looked fucking hotter.

And now I’m hooked on her.

“Gimmie, gimme,” she says, closing the door with her furry pink foot.

I hand her the bag of ice cream, before losing a limb in the process. These hands are worth millions, do you blame me?

“Three?” Her eyebrows raise as she looks inside the paper bag.

“Yup. There were so many to choose from, I got overwhelmed. Look, I don't buy women… ice cream. This is new for me Em, I’m learning.”

She pulls the top off of my personal fav, good ole Ben and Jerry, and shoves the spoon in the top and stuffs it into her mouth. With a mouthful of ice cream, she moans around the spoon, closing her eyes shut.

It’s an experience.

I should probably be ashamed that my dick stirs to life when she does, but whatever. She’s fucking hot, and my dick misses her.

“I can’t stop eating. Everything. I’m starving. All. The. Time. I’m going to be as big as a house. Actually my pants aren’t fitting anymore so there’s that.”

“You’re growing two babies,eat.”

She rolls her eyes at my tone, shoveling another spoonful of ice cream into her mouth. “Yes,Daddy.”

My dick twitches. Fuck.

“I mean…”

Her eyes narrow. “Don’t even start.”

Smirking, I walk over and take the spoon from her and take the bite she was about to put in her mouth, earning me a punch in the shoulder.

“Gross, you just ate off my spoon, jerk. Germs Adams.”

“I’ve also eaten your pussy so….”

“You’re disgusting.”

“Call me what you want, but it’s true. Which is still very much on the table, you know that right?”

The look she shoots me might actually put me in the ground, so I should probably shut the fuck up, but I continue anyway, because I’m a martyr after all.

“Just saying. You heard what the doctor said, you’re pregnant and there are lotsof hormones coursing through your body. You’re going to have an itch that only I can scratch, babe, and I’m at your service.”

And I better be the only one touching Emery, because I might lose my shit in the process. I feel this…. Protectiveness that I’ve never felt with anyone else when it comes to Emery.

Ignoring me, she pushes past me to sit down on her plush sofa. In doing so, the back of her t-shirt rises slightly, giving me a glimpse of her long, tan legs, making my mouth water.

I follow her to the living room and sit on the opposite side of the couch. She turns toward me and pulls her legs crisscross as she eats.

“First things first, if we’re actually going to pull this off, without it being a gigantic clusterfuck and blowing up in our faces, we have to be convincing,” she says around the spoon.

She sucks the ice cream off the tip, flicking her tongue along the length of it and swirling it on the spoon to get the remainder off, making it really hard to focus on what she’s saying.

