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Her eyes roll back, and she stops her assault on the spoon that I’m convinced is solely made to torture me.

Dick. Twitching.


Right, fake engagement.

“I mean, we have chemistry, Em. It’s not like that’s something we’re lacking,obviously.” I gesture to her now rounding stomach.

Emery can pretend to dislike me all day, but the fact is, we have out of this world chemistry. When we’re together, it’s like she lets down the barrier around her just a little, and it’s just us.

Lately, I’ve been noticing how her body is changing. Not that she’s let me touch her, in what feels like ever, but I’ve noticed her baby bump becoming more prominent by the day. And God, her tits.

I don’t know for the life of me why she’s worried about something happening to them because all they’ve done is gotten bigger and juicer. Like ripe apples I want to take a fucking bite of.

She’s sexier now than I’ve ever seen her, even more so knowing she’s got my babies in her belly.

“Okay, but it’s more than just chemistry, Graham. For instance, how did we become a couple? Oh God, how did you propose to me? What about a ring?”

She lifts her hand up and wiggles her ringless fingers.

“You let me handle the ring, okay?” She’s not picking out her own damn ring, fake engagement or not.

“Fine. How about we just say that we, of course, met through Reed, and then we hit it off. You asked me out, and I turned you down at first. That’s believable. Our friends would never believe it, which is fine, we’ll keep it to your family only.” She grins and takes another bite of that damn ice cream that I’m cursing myself for even picking up.

“Fine. How did I propose?”

Her shoulders dip in a quick shrug. “I dunno.”

"How about this: I brought you to the arena, where it all started. Where I saw you for the first time, in the stands. The first time I ever saw you, I thought you were the most beautiful girl in the entire stadium. Thousands of people and all I saw was you. At the time, I didn’t even know you were Reed’s sister. I just knew that one look and I wanted you. Then, when I realized that you were his sister, I knew I’d never have a chance. I had a better chance with Reed himself than ever getting you. Until we met at dinner that day at Reed’s.”

Little does she know, everything in that story is true.

The day I saw her in the arena, it was our first home game. My rookie season. I saw her sitting next to Holland, her head thrown back in laughter, her cheeks red with mirth.

It sucked the breath right out of my lungs, like I had been shoved against the boards of an arena.

I said I was going to find her, after the game, when interviews were over and I was showered. Then, she was gone.

I saw her at Reed’s for the second time two weeks later, at the first family dinner I’d been invited to. I almost swallowed my tongue, but then I knew better than to pursue her. Hell, Reed would’ve skinned me alive for even looking at her. Not that she needed to know what I felt in that moment was real. I’m pretty sure at the first sign of anything… too personal, too intimate... she’s going to bolt. I’m not going to do anything that jeopardizes how far we’ve come in just a short time.

Including anything that adds to her phobia of commitment.

Her head nods in agreement. “Yeah, that would work. And, I’m always at games for Reed, so it makes sense. Maybe we bumped into each other afterwards, and you asked me out, and I couldn’t resist your charm.”

“So, I proposed at the arena, just you and me. I put it on the scoreboard and got on one knee right in front of the very seat I first saw you in.” My eyes catch hers.


She looks surprised, her eyebrows raised.

I shrug, giving her a small smirk. “I’m a romantic guy.”

She laughs, a sweet sound that echoes off the walls of her living room; it may just be the first genuine laugh I’ve gotten from her since all of this started. “Oh? Sorry, Adams, you don’t peg me as a romantic guy.”

“Well, you’ve never seen me in action. There’s plenty of time, babe, don’t worry.”
