Page 93 of Stolen Trophy

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I’m pretty sure she’ll be the end of us all, and not a single one of us would complain about it.

Gage stands in front of her with his arms crossed over his chest and sweat slicking his own skin. Genevieve has been trying to get him on his back for an hour, but this time, I have a feeling she’s going to get it.

She wipes her cheek off as she stares at him, her pretend enemy, as if she were a wolf wiping the wool from her face. She bares her teeth, and I’ve never been prouder.

“What’s the matter, princess?” Gage goads. “Are all those cushy years making you weak?”

“Your teasing doesn’t hit the same when I know how your face looks when I suck you dry,” she retorts with a smirk.

Gage tenses, arousal flashing in his eyes, and my grin widens. Leave it to Genevieve to use her own tricks. I know for a fact Gage is now thinking about forcing her to her knees to suck him right here. Hell, we’d probably all watch.

Actually, that sounds kind of hot.

I wipe the sweat from my forehead and smirk. “Begin.”

Gage immediately rushes Genevieve, intent on grabbing her. I don’t give them instructions this time. I’ve taught her the movements, so it’s up to her to use them now.

Gage goes for her neck, a common move, but Genevieve dodges to the side, away from him, even as she slaps him on the ass, putting more distance between them so she can brace herself before he can react. She’s tired and shouldn’t be able to move so fast, but she’s clearly enjoying this.

“What’s the matter, Grumpy Pants?” she teases. “Is this little princess faster than you?”

“I’ll show you faster when I bend you over my knee,” he rumbles, turning and rushing her, but this time, she’s ready.

With her feet braced on the mat, Genevieve waits until he’s right in front of her before she ducks and digs her shoulder into his gut. His momentum carries him forward, allowing her to lift and throw him up and over, his weight taking him down to the ground fast.

He’s on his back in the next second, looking up in surprise as Genevieve climbs on top of him and presses a knife to his throat. Where the fuck did she get the knife?

Giggling, she places a kiss on the tip of his nose. “Gotcha, Grumpy Pants.”

I whistle, proud as hell that she’d not only disabled him, but thought to find a weapon and hold him down. “Well, would you look at that,” I say with a grin. “I’d say she’s good.”

Gage’s hands go to her hips and squeeze, but he doesn’t move the knife from his neck. There’s heat in his gaze as he stares at the woman sitting above him like an avenging angel.

Respect. Desire. Love.

The tension is so thick, my already hard dick throbs, and I have to wet my lips, trying to fight my own desire.

“All right, all right, all right,” I say, breaking the moment. “Time for showers. Try not to use all the hot water.”

“No promises,” Gage mumbles.

Genevieve stands and comes over to me, handing me the knife. She meets my eyes, and there’s something there. Standing on her tiptoes, she loops her arms around my neck and hugs me. For a second, I don’t react, but then I’m wrapping her in my arms too, and I realise she made sure I was focused on her before she touched me.

She’s always thinking of me before anything.

“Thank you,” she whispers, and I understand. I’ve given her more tools to protect herself, and those she cares about.

“No,” I say, holding her tighter, desperate to keep her close. “Thank you, Genevieve Dalton.”

In those words, I let it all out.

The respect. The desire.

The love…

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