Page 19 of Flight Plan

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So, when she’d said she lived in Brooklynfor now, it all made sense. She had a kid to think about. He admired this protective mama bear even more.

“My Manhattan apartment is great. It overlooks Central Park. It’s crazy, but Brock’s offered me this house for the summer.” Wesley had decided to take Brock up on his offer, even reached out to his team, who were always game for adventure. With the small airport nearby, he considered hiring a pilot to cart him to events. He knew just the woman for the job—though Ava flew helicopters.Totally freaking cool.

“Can’t beat the view here, though Central Park must be nice.”

“Yeah, I prefer the ocean view. And my whole team can join me. I think this is just the retreat—a balance of artsy and nature—to finally fill in the gaps and work out the kinks of the new game. It will keep the distractions to a minimum.”

He could drive the four hours to Manhattan to the Draco Enterprise offices. If he hired a private jet, he’d need additional airport transfers. The office building, however, had a helicopter pad on the roof.

How much would it cost to purchase a helicopter? Or rent one? Did it even matter?He could afford it. What he couldn’t afford was to lose his muse. With Ava there, he’d have his muse for the summer and a radical mode of transportation.

“I’ll need to commute weekly to New York and other cities for ongoing promotions for the game.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Ugh, commuting sucks.”

That’s why flying in a private helicopter would be perfect. You and me. Making an entrance.Visions of them arriving on sites in a custom painted helicopter filled his brain; excitement pulsed through his body.

“I happen to be looking for a helicopter pilot. Do you think you’d be interested?”

“For the summer?” She shook her head. “I need steady work.”

“For at least the summer. I don’t know. We could see how it works out.”

Ava seemed to contemplate this offer. “I don’t think it would work out. I have a kid and—”

“He’s welcome to come too. There’s plenty of room. Besides, we have Jorge to look after him. Does he play video games?”

“Of course.” She rolled her eyes. “And yes, Jack and his friends playDragon Rock.”

“That’s great.”

He stared into her eyes, wanting to come up with something more compelling to entice her. Sure, he would certainly lock away detailed memories of her for the sake of his new storyline but having her around in real life would be like having a living, breathing muse all for himself. Everything depended on her saying yes.

“It’s nice of you to offer. But no.”


She pressed her lips tight, refusing to give in.

“I pay well.”


So stubborn.

“Hey, why don’t you think about it? I could have a contract sent your way to look over, and then you can decide.”

“Are you always this pushy?”

“I just know you’d be a great addition to our crew. Seriously, you’d love the team.”

She glanced at her phone and then scanned the thinning crowd. “I’ve got to go. I’m flying back tonight.” Standing, she gave him a lingering smile. “Good luck finding your pilot.”

No? Good luck? What just happened?He couldn’t afford this opportunity to fall apart. But what else could he do?

He jumped to his feet, jerking the linen tablecloth, and causing water glasses to dance and spill. “Okay, well, I’ll be in NYC for an upcoming event next week.” He really wanted to see her again. “You could bring your son Jack and his friends. They could meet me and get some free swag.”

Ava chuckled, shaking her head.

“And it’d be nice to see a friendly face.”

“I’ve got a lot going on next week.” She glanced again at her phone. “Jack’s been texting me all day.” She stopped talking and pressed her lips in a tight smile, refusing to open up about her life.

“Right, I understand.” He’d failed to convince her, persuade her, and all he could do was concede. “Have a safe trip home.” Wesley watched her walk away, placing his hand against the logo inked over his heart chakra.
