Page 38 of Flight Plan

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The way his eyes smiled and his body swaggered made her squirm.

She became angry at her weakness around him, losing control of her mouth and getting all hot and bothered when he was in the room.

Ava’s anger melted as she caught Wesley studying her. She knew she pushed back on him—hard sometimes—yet he kept coming back, always patient and calm. And so damn hot. How appropriate that he created dragons, because he often turned her into a fire-breathing, menacing creature with her foul temper. But most of the time, he ignited an inferno at her core.


Wesley’s progress on the game had tripled with his muse nearby at all times. Getting her to take this position was worth every penny, but there laid a deeper source of gratification. Being around her simply made him happy.

He sat cross-legged in front of her. She sat in the same position on the yoga mat in the solarium tucked off the side of the house. Late afternoon sunlight poured through the glass walls and ceiling, and the abundant plants provided loads of fresh oxygen.

“Are you ready?”

She nodded but a skeptical line marred her brow.

“Close your eyes. We’ll start with breathing.” He guided her to straighten her posture and become grounded, and then they began to breathe in unison.

He heard her shuffle, and her breath came out more aggressive, causing him to open his eyes.

She stared back at him. “Sorry, but I warned you this stuff doesn’t work for me.”

“Here,” he reached out, “give me your hands.”

Reluctantly, she placed them against his warm palms. He nodded, allowing his eyes to close as he focused on grounding them both.

This technique would quickly synchronize their breathing and heartbeats; even on a cellular level, they’d become harmonious. Soon she breathed in and out at the same rhythm as him, and he could feel her relaxing as the air around them shifted.

“Listen to the sound of my voice but use your inner eye to guide you to a place where you feel safe, carefree, and happy.”

When she sighed, he asked, “Did you find it?”

“Yeah,” she said with such reverence, he peeked a look at her.

He swallowed hard, his gut tightening, when he thought about looking at her beautiful face every day for the rest of his life, long after the game released, and he’d moved on to another main character and future expansion.

Conversation during this kind of meditation wasn’t usual, but he couldn’t help asking what it was that brought this tightly wound woman such peace. “Are you inside or outside?”

“Outside, down the hill from my grandmother’s house in Massachusetts. I see the creek and the large puddles the rain left behind.”

“Why is this place special? Why does it bring you happiness?”

“Pollywogs. They’re always there in late spring.”

He grinned. If she liked pollywogs, then she had to like the bearded dragon upstairs. Desperate to learn more about her, because she never talked about herself, he took this opportunity to probe. “What else?”

She inhaled deeper, gripping his hands tighter. “The mud is cool and squishy between my toes around the pond.”

“Good. Keep using your senses,” he coaxed.

“I smell honeysuckle and the faint smell of grease from the nearby railroad tracks.”

Somehow this connection worked, allowing her to share something personal with him. He wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and kiss her until she melted with desire. But now that he knew Jack, and what a great kid he was, he had to honor what seemed best for them. Ava was here to serve a purpose, helping inspire him for his video game heroine. In turn, she would be well compensated, setting her and Jack up for a bright future.How could he stand in her way?He wanted what was best for her and for Jack.

“Good. Keep feeling grounded and keep breathing.” Maybe it’d be best if he stopped asking her questions. As it was, he already dreaded summer’s end. Sure, they’d say they’d stay in touch, but would they? Not likely.

In the five more minutes that passed, he simply enjoyed being tethered to her, holding her hands. He soon guided her thoughts back to the room, making her aware of her surroundings.

When she opened her big green eyes, they were filled with wonderment. “Wow, that was…” she shrugged, “surprisingly relaxing. Nice.” Smiling almost shyly, she added, “I couldn’t have done it without your help.” She glanced at their tightly clinging hands. “Actually, Wes, there were a few times with Jack that I appreciated your help. I know I’m not good at letting people help me or expressing my gratitude, so thanks.”
