Page 44 of Flight Plan

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Chapter Twelve


Wesley hung up with Regina as he entered the kitchen to retrieve his stainless-steel water bottle. He wanted to make sure he was hydrated for today’s big event. Jack sat at the island, rolling his pencil along the smooth granite surface, a sulk resting on his lips.

Ava’s eyes sparkled with annoyance and fire. “You’re going to sit right there and work on that summer packet. I don’t want to hear any more excuses, Jack. If you want to go to this other summer camp with Miguel next week, then this needs to get done.”

“What about today! I want to go with you guys. Wesley said—”

“Oh.” Ava crossed her arms, shooting Wesley a pointed stare. “Mr. Scott said?”

Wesley filled his Yeti thermos with cucumber water set up in a fancy dispenser on the counter. “I think Jack will enjoy it.” Wesley couldn’t understand why Ava gave him dagger eyes. Any ten-year-old would be thrilled to attend this huge sneak-peek premiere, including an exclusive, extended trailer release.

“If today’s crowd is anything like the Manhattan event, then, most definitely, no.”

“We’ll have security if that’s what you’re worried about. Regina’s been there since sunup, making sure everything’s ready for us, coordinating every detail.”

“I’ll be working,” she reminded him, “so I can’t keep my eye on him. I don’t want some security detail to lose my kid. Besides, Jack needs to get this done if he wants to go to camp next week.”

“This is so unfair! I don’t want to go to the stupid event anyway!” Jack grabbed the packet, wrinkling it in his grasp as he hopped off the barstool and rushed out of the kitchen.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Ava called after him, following him as far as the doorway.

“To my room to be with Goliath.”

“Well, I’m leaving soon.”

Jack’s voice became faded the farther he went from the kitchen. “Good.”

She spun and leveled her gaze at Wesley. “What the hell?”

“He’ll cool off. We’re not leaving for another hour anyway.”

“No, Wes!” Ava curled her hands into fists and firmly planted them on her hips. “I meant what the hell do you think you’re doing, giving my kid permission to go to this event? You didn’t even ask me.”

“I thought he’d like it, and I didn’t think you’d object. And it’s the end of July. He has plenty of time to finish his summer work.”

“I think I can parent my own kid without your help.”

Wesley held his hands up in defense, irritated now at their little tiff, but knowing his place. “What do I know about parenting?” Shaking his head and pressing his lips tight, he strode past her, having a dozen things to do before they flew off.

An hour later, he climbed into the helicopter next to her. She did her checks, and they went airborne, leaving Bluff House and Oldport behind as they flew north toward Boston.

“Hey, I’m sorry about earlier,” he said after he went through his speech once more in his head.

“Look, Wes, I appreciate you trying to include him—but you can’t just promise him things. You couldn’t possibly understand how hard it is for me to be undermined.”

Wesley became lost in thought, wishing he could explain how she and Jack were like family to him. He longed to have his own family.

“Wes?” She adjusted the microphone on her headset. “Did you hear me?”

“Yeah. I’ll be more mindful about what I say around him. You’re a great mom, and I never meant to upset you.”

“Okay, well, we’re getting close. Let’s go over the flight plan one more time and put this behind us.”

“Absolutely. You’re the star today.”

“You mean this helicopter. Wait until your fans see this crazy-amazing paint job.”
