Page 2 of Your Path To Me

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Chapter 2



Just like I expected.

My drive home was so heavy…as heavy as the rain that fell. As soon as I headed to my car, the sky opened up like the fourth of July with huge heavy rapid drops. My tears flowed just like the sky all the way home.

I didn’t get a chance to say anything to Mr. Rider. Not that I would have had a good excuse. Itwasall my fault. I’m the fool who went against policy and snuck someone down there. Serves me right…I knew better…just like I knew better than to do what I did with Archer Sampson down there.

My heart pangs a bit harder as I roll to my side in the bed and see my alarm clock. It didn’t go off today because I didn’t have a reason to set it. I had nowhere to go today and my eyes feel heavy from the sorrow.


That night…our bodies…the passion…I don’t think I’ll ever forget it. I could barely look at him the next morning though. Looking at him hurt too much because, I knew, I was just a number to him, but to me, it was more. And I know it shouldn't have felt good that good or that special but it did. Down there he was nothing like the boy I remembered, he was kind, soft, and caring. He made me feel like the invisible wall between us…between our lives wasn't there. And I gave him much more of myself than I would have normally.

That night was going to be memorable for all the best and worst reasons.


I take my first sip of the steaming coffee and carry it to my wooden rocking chair in the living room. As soon as my bottom hits the chair my phone begins to ring on the coffee table in front of me. I pick it up and see a number I don’t recognize. I contemplate not answering at first but then decide to do it at the last minute.


“Macy? Macy Briggs?”

“Yes. Who’s speaking?”

“This is Mr. Rider.”

I always think it’s so silly how he refers to himself asMr. Rider.

“Oh, hello Mr. Rider,” my stomach drops.

Has he called to berate me even more?

“Yes…uh…I called to tell you that we are willing to give you another chance at the library.”

Butterflies build in my stomach. This can’t be real. Can it?

“Oh? Why?” My eyes clench as soon as I say it.

Don’t jinx it stupid!

“We received a call that you were only down there because you were helping the son of Mr. Sampson with some research. Mr. Sampson is a long-time donor of the library and we…well…" he pauses, "anyways, we’ve decided to reinstate your employment so long as you never do something like this again.”

My heart skips a beat, “Oh my gosh thank you! Thank you, Mr. Rider! I will…I mean I won’t. I’ll be the best employee you could ever hope for!” my voice screeches with excitement but I could care less, I’m the happiest girl in the world right now.

“Okay then. Be there in an hour to pick up where you left off.”


I finish my coffee, shower, and get ready in record time. I hop in my car and head to the library and finally have time to let my thoughts roam. I knowhedid this, and I’m not sure how I feel about that. While I’m grateful, I hope he doesn’t think this will get another date with me. I know we can never be together.

I hope he doesn’t come to the library again.

I’m not sure I can face him after…what I did with him. My stomach clenches in embarrassment. This isnotmy normal behavior, and I hope he doesn’t think he can just get laid again.
