Page 103 of More Than Water

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“Are you reciting lines from fortune cookies again?” Parker teases her.

“So what? Is that a problem?” She giggles, bumping her elbow against his. “I like Chinese food, and those cookies are good. Don’t doubt the wisdom of their knowledge, especially when there’s a sparkly ring inside.”

I quirk my head in confusion, and Parker takes note.

“I proposed to her over takeout,” he clarifies, taking her hand in his. “The ring was inside the cookie.”

“That sounds so…romantic.”

“Or corny,” Hillary suggests. “I loved it though. It showed how well he knew me and my affection for wontons.”

Right then, I decide I like Parker and Hillary and wish I had met them sooner. There’s something just so genuine about them as a couple. It’s too bad they’re only here to visit.

“So, are you planning on going back to New York tonight?” I ask, engaging them in further conversation. “It’s a really long drive from here.”

“No,” Hillary states, wiping her mouth with a napkin. “We’re driving to my parents’ house. They live about three hours away. We need to start getting ready for the big celebration.”

I raise my brows, not following.

“They’re getting married next weekend,” Foster explains, stacking my empty plate with his. “They just stopped by last night to…check up on me.”

“Somebody needs to,” Parker mumbles as I say at the same time, “Oh, wow. Congratulations.”

“Thanks,” Hillary responds directly to me, ignoring the side conversation between Parker and Foster. “Let’s just hope we make it through the week. There’s so much to do until then, and my mother is about to lose her mind, but it’s her own fault. She insisted that we get married in my hometown.”

“Don’t act like you didn’t want to get married in the same church that your parents did,” Parker chides. “We wouldn’t be here otherwise.”

“True.” She smiles. “Plus, this way, all of our family and friends can come.”

“And Foster has no excuse not to be there,” Parker states, giving Foster a knowing look. “I already let you off the hook about being a groomsman.”

“I told you that I’d be there,” Foster reassures him, dumping the paper plates into the trash. “I promised.”

“You’d better be.”

“Are you threatening me?”

“If that’s what it takes, then yes.”

“It’s not needed. I’ll be there. I wouldn’t miss it.”
