Page 11 of More Than Water

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“So, he’s sleeping over now?” I ask, placing my mug on the counter.

“Yeah.” She closes the refrigerator. “I’m sorry. I should have asked if it was okay first.”

“Why?” I chuckle. “Do you need a chaperone in the bedroom?”

“No.” She guffaws. “Because this is your place, too.”

“We’ve lived together for three years. I’ve had guys stay the night before, and so have you. You don’t need my permission. Why would you even think that you needed to ask?”

She crosses her arms. “I don’t know. Ever since your breakup with Cal, I wasn’t sure.”

“Sure about what?”

“I just didn’t…” She sighs, dropping her arms. “I didn’t want you to think I was flaunting Jeremy in your face.”

“What?” I ask, finding her statement absurd. “That makes no sense at all.”

“EJ, you and Cal were together for a really long time, and you were a serious couple. You two were always with each other. I’ve known you for what seems like forever, and you haven’t said one word about him since we saw him at the club all—”

“All over the blueberry bitch?”

“Yes. You never said much about the breakup, and…you haven’t gone out with anyone since. I was trying to be respectful.”

I laugh. “Do you think I’m the overly sensitive type?”

“No…but I’ve been kind of waiting for the impact of the breakup to hit you, and it hasn’t. You don’t seem to be processing anything. A breakdown is inevitable at some point.”

I scrunch my brow. “Did you change your major to psychology this year and not tell me?”

“EJ…I’m trying to be your friend.”

“Listen, I’m okay.” I rub my hands across my face. “I’ve had some time to think about Cal and me, and I’m good. No need to worry.”

“Are you sure? You can talk to me if you need to.”

“Positive. He’s a stupid dickwad, and I was an idiot.” I shrug. “Sure, he has good hair, and that ass in leather pants won’t quit, but I’m fine.”

“Yes, there was something intriguing about those leather pants. A little too tight and…revealing?”

“Right?” I laugh. “Is this where I make a small penis comment?”

“Feel free,” she encourages. “It would probably feel good to get it out.”

“Nah. There’snothingto talk about in that department, if you know what I mean.”

“I do indeed.” She nods exaggeratedly. “I get your drift one hundred percent.”

We both laugh. Chandra giggles so hard that she gives herself the hiccups. After a few more chortles, we finally calm our giddiness, and I gather my things from the counter.

“I’d better get going,” I say, heading toward the hallway. “My first class starts soon, and I’ve yet to shower.”

“Okay. You’re good though, about Cal?”


“And me and Jeremy?”

“Yes, but don’t ask me to join in on some threesome. I don’t think I’m quite ready for that yet.”
