Page 130 of More Than Water

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“Now, you have me curious.” I circle my arms around his waist. “Is there something I need to know?”

“Not anything of importance.” He seals his chest to mine. “We can talk about it when I get back.”

“You know, your vagueness will be your detriment.”

“How so?”

“My imagination is very vivid.” I kiss his temptingly kissable lips. “You’re not part of a mafia family, are you?”

He laughs. “No, nothing like that. We’re just normal everyday people.”

“With giant brains, I assume?”

“Now, that is an insult. Giant doesn’t even come close. They’re gargantuan.”

“Of course. My mistake.”

He playfully smacks my ass, and we both get back to work, making a dent in the pile of returns that need to be shelved before we can leave for the night.

“So,” Foster begins, “you’re meeting with your parents tomorrow?”

“Yes. So nice of them to spring a surprise visit on me.”

“Do they do that often?”

“No. My father has some business he needs to attend to in town, and I get to reap the rewards of that.”

Crouching down to the bottom section of the cart, Foster says, “I never asked, but what kind of work does your father do?”

I thumb through the pages of a book, contemplating how much to divulge. Knowledge of wealth changes opinions so quickly, and I’m not sure if I’m ready for Foster to know that part of me just yet. I don’t plan to keep it a secret forever, but maybe after I meet his parents would be a suitable time to reveal that portion of my life.

“He’s in a kind of public relations,” I tell him vaguely, leaving out that it’s one of the largest international firms in the business. “Advertising mostly.”

Foster examines me, confused.

He opens his mouth to speak and then quickly shuts it, shaking his head.

His perplexity fades away.

“That must be where you get your creativity from,” he states.


“Are you excited at all to see them?”

“Not really. I’m just hoping it goes by with little friction. They want to discuss grad school.”

“And what do you plan to tell them?”

“Not sure.” I smooth my hands across the front of my skirt. “I’m hoping to put it off a little longer, if possible.”

“Why don’t you just tell them you don’t want to go?”

I chuckle. “That’s funny.”

“I’m serious.”

“It’s complicated and…”
