Page 7 of More Than Water

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It’s about half an hour before closing time, and Foster wasn’t kidding about the pace of students on a Friday night. I’ve completed most of the assignments that I planned to address over the weekend, including a research for a paper on Picasso’s Black Period, which is grossly underrated. All that remains is my human study, and I don’t happen to travel with charcoal.

A female student approaches the information desk while I’m flipping through a fashion magazine, and Foster is immersed in a book, probably on geek world domination.

“Can I help you?” I ask, leaning my elbows on the wooden surface.

“Actually…” She flicks a glance toward Foster. “Um…Foster?”

He closes his book and scratches the side of his head. “Hi, Maggie. What’s up?”

“I was wondering if you could help me find some information on thermodynamics?” Maggie asks, her fingers twiddling with the ends of her ebony hair.

“Have you already done a web search?”

“A little, but there’s just a lot to go through. I don’t know where to start.”

It’s a good thing she’s talking to him because I don’t know where to start either. I’d likely lead her toward the thermal underwear section at the mall.

“Thermodynamics is a pretty wide topic,” Foster states, strumming his fingers. “I know the information can be a little overwhelming. Are you looking for anything specific?”

“Not really. Just the basics for an economics paper I’m working on, and I need to learn a little more about the science behind the business.”

“Sounds simple enough. There are a lot of books with the basic science business model information available, but we don’t generally keep many of them here. Let me take a look for you though.”

Foster scoots forward to the monitor, bringing the screen to life, as Maggie bends over the desk, tilting her head toward his, focusing on the illuminated screen. She edges closer…and closer…and closer, pushing her breasts together with her upper arms, letting him know the girls are ready and waiting.

Classic peacock move.

Maggie is overtly interested in everything Foster Blake—so much so, I wonder if she would even comprehend science or business at this time. She’s like a puppy waiting for attention. He, on the other hand, is completely unfazed by her presence, which is weird since I sense her pheromones from over here.

“It looks like we only have one in right now,” Foster states, grabbing a small pink square of paper and a pencil from the bin between our two stations. He scribbles down the information and hands the slip to Maggie’s reluctant hand. “Here you go.”

She licks her bottom lip. “Do you think you could show me where it is? I’m not really familiar with this library.”

“Sure.” Remaining in his seat, he points toward the bottom of the staircase. “Just take the steps to the top and make a left. The section you’re looking for is three rows down and on the right.”

Maggie tightens her mouth, looks at the slip, and then peeks over her shoulder at the set of steps. “At the top of the steps?”

“Yep. It’s all in numerical order. One, two, three…you get it.”

“I’ll show you,” I offer, rising and rescuing the poor girl from the obvious idiotic moment that Foster is going through.

“Um, thanks,” she says.

I round the corner of the desk and take the slip from her to see what we’re looking for. “No problem. Right this way.”

I lead Maggie up the staircase and down the aisle to the third row, just as Foster instructed. Together, we scan the numbers until finding the book she’s looking for. Pulling it out, I hand it to her waiting hand.

“If you have any other questions, feel free to ask,” I tell her.


Leaving her among the shelves of books where she pretends to view other volumes in the stacks, I descend back to the first floor and take a seat once again next to Foster where he’s lazily flipping through a science periodical from the shelves.

He’s an enigma.

He’s geeky in some ways, yet there’s something else. Maggie saw something. He definitely has some really strong and striking features underneath the obvious nerd thing. With his underlying subtleties—strong chin, good hair, bright eyes, defined lips, and firm hands that turn each page with dexterous fingers—I can see how a girl could be attracted to that. Along with his sinewy forearms leading up to firm biceps that—

“Do you have X-ray vision?” he asks, startling me from my observations of him.
