Page 97 of More Than Water

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With little desire, I shut the door. Slowly, I spin around and cross my arms in preparation to battle the punk asshole who so boldly decided to show up at my apartment without an announcement or invitation.

Like a guard dog, Chandra busies herself in the kitchen area with Jeremy at her side, patiently waiting for the medieval shitstorm that’s about to go down in our living room. She and I exchange a look, and she acknowledges that she should stay right where she is. I turn my attention to a man who only possesses one brain cell because a smart person would have known better than to come near me after fucking around behind my back.

“Cal,” I sternly say, rounding the arm of the couch. I glare down at him. “What are you doing here?”

He rises from his seat, holding out the bouquet in my direction. “I brought you something.”

I raise my brows, giving him the are-you-serious look.

He pushes them further into my personal space, insistent.

“That’s so sweet of you.” I swipe the flowers from his hand and march my ass straight into the kitchen, slipping past Chandra and Jeremy. I open the cabinet below the sink and shove the bouquet into the trash. It might be a little dramatic, but fuck him.

Fake-dusting off my hands, I casually join Cal back in the living room.

“Sorry.” I smirk. “I wanted to put those in some water before they dried out. Now, would you mind telling me what in the hell you’re doing here?”

“Do you think we could speak in private?” Cal questions, gesturing toward our kitchen audience.

“Absolutely not. You don’t get to spend time alone with me ever again. Now, you have exactly sixty seconds to explain to me why you’re here.”

He presents me with a large envelope.

“What’s this?” I ask.

“A proposal.”

“Cut the shit. Our romantic days ended the moment you started poking the groupies,” I sneer.

“I wasn’t screwing the groupies. It’s not like we even had any.”

“So, what? She was just some random whore you picked up in a drive-through?”

He growls. “Are we really going to do this?”

“That’s up to you. You can spend the remaining thirty seconds however you like. I suggest you start by telling me you’re sorry for being an asshole.”

“Oh, c’mon!” he exclaims, tossing up his hands. “Like you really cared about me in the first place.”

“Who are you to judge how I felt about you, you…you penis muncher? I gave you almost a year of my life. I was planning my future with you, for you.”

“Sure you were,” he says full of sarcasm. “We both know that’s a lie.”

“You’re such a prick. And why would you even think that the way I felt about you was a lie? I never cheated on you. I supported you throughout our entire relationship—going to all your shows, loaning you money when you needed equipment, or that time your gig fell apart and I called in a favor to a friend to get you a new one. There’s more than enough proof in my actions. I gave you everything I was, everything, and you shit on it. You shit on us by sticking your dick in someone else when I went home for the summer.”

“Yeah, I heard all about your summer.”

“What is that supposed to mean? I was working at a museum. That was all.”

He shakes his head, holding the envelope in my direction once again. “Will you just take this?”

With aggression, I snatch the envelope from his hands, tear through the top flap, and withdraw the sheets of paper. I scan through the pages, gathering very quickly that it’s a copyright release request.

“Copyright of what?” I ask, confused.

“It should be on the first page.”

I shuffle back to the front sheet and examine the words more closely, discovering that a small record company wants the license to distribute the branding logo I did for Cal’s band when he and I first met.
