Page 29 of Blindsided

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I wouldn’t let this happen. Not with Noah in my head, and definitely not with my teammates in the shower stalls next to me.

I finished up my shower as quickly as I could, my dick finally deflating at the horrific thought of one of my teammates discovering my situation and, worse, somehow reading my mind. There was no way I’d be able to explain anything that was happening.

There was only one thing I could do. New plan: avoid Noah at all costs.

* * *

I managed to survive the rest of the day without any Noah sightings, and by the time I was ready to head up to bed, I’d made it a whole three hours without him invading my thoughts.

I had my foot on the bottom stair when I heard someone call my name. As I turned back, Damon came jogging out of the lounge, waving some papers at me. “Mate. Do me a favour if you’re going up. Give these to Noah? He let me borrow them to take notes, but I know he needed them back tonight.”

Fuck. There was no way I could refuse him without it seeming weird.


“Cheers.” He shoved the papers at me and left. I groaned under my breath and made my way upstairs with the papers clutched in my hand.

When I reached Noah’s door, my heart was hammering, and my palms were sweating. This was fucking ridiculous. I smoothed out the papers and eyed his door. Maybe I could just slip them under—

A low moan stopped my thoughts in their tracks. I froze in place, not even daring to breathe.

I heard a muttered “Fuck,” followed by another moan, and before I was even aware of what I was doing, I was inching closer and pressing my ear to the door. My traitorous cock was hardening rapidly in my jeans at the thought of Noah, stretched out on his bed with his hand wrapped around his dick.

I couldn’t be doing this. This was a violation of his privacy, and also,why the fuck was I standing here listening to my housemate wanking?

Dropping the papers to the floor outside Noah’s door, I bolted for my room, locking the door behind me with shaking hands. Then I dived onto my bed, kicked off my jeans, and gave in to the urge I’d had on and off ever since I’d kissed him.

I got myself off to thoughts of Noah.

When I’d come in an absurdly short amount of time, the evidence striping my abs, I lay back with a groan, throwing my arm across my face as I tried to catch my breath. What the hell was I doing?
