Page 119 of Uncharted

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“C’mon, baby. You’re emotional.” I lifted myself off him and sat back. “And I get it,” he said. “But”—he sighed as he ran his hand through his damp hair—“I just don’t think sex is the answer.”

“Agree to disagree.”

“You know I’m right, Siren.”

I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him on the lips. “You’re entirely wrong, Sandman.” I moved my mouth over his face, then to his neck, running my hands up his hard chest. I took his earlobe in between my teeth and nibbled. I whispered, “My super sexy Sandman. I think you’re exactly the answer I need.”

“Marisa, please.”

“Yes,” I crooned. “You know I love it when you beg.”

This earned a little chuckle, and I smiled as I felt the rumble in his chest. I frowned when he denied me again, saying, “Not like this.”

I redoubled my efforts. “Exactly like this.” I rubbed up against him, feeling his hardness against me as I grinded on top of him. “I know you want me, Sandman,” I told him.

“Of course I do.”

“And I want you.”

“I always want you,” he whispered against my mouth.

“Then take me, Tyler. Take me now.”

I felt him sag in defeat as he huffed a heavy breath. “I can’t . . . not like this.”

“Fine.” The one word grumbled out conveyed my irritation. Less so than how hard I rolled off of him.

“I do want you. Believe me when I tell you how difficult it is to not indulge myself. You need to take some time . . . to heal. Take a breath, gather yourself—”

I cut him off. “I don’t need to be saved, Tyler.”

“I know you don’t.”

“Then quit trying to—”

The hand he held up stopped me. “I’m not trying to save you. I’m trying to help you. To be here for you.”

“If you want to be here for me, then get in the bed.”

“I don’t—”

I heard the rejection coming. I stood before he could cut me down again. “I think it might be best if we just call it a night,” I told him. “I’m gonna go to bed.”

He grabbed my hand before I could walk away. “Siren?” My nickname on his lips was an appeal to keep talking.

I avoided meeting his eyes. “I think, right now . . . I just want to be alone.”

“Are you asking me to leave?” His words sounded like I had just slapped him.

“I think it’s for the best.”

He didn’t react the way I thought he would. Instead of storming out, he wrapped his arms securely around me. “Don’t push me away, Marisa.”

His words cut deep. “I’m not pushing you away. I just need some time.”

He held me securely against him. “Let me stay. Let me hold you. Let me just be here with you. For you.”

“No, Tyler.” I huffed out a hefty sigh as I stepped out of his hold. “Please, just let me be. I can’t deal with this”—I motioned between the two of us—“right now.” I couldn’t believe those words had just come out of my mouth. I wanted to take them back immediately. For some reason, this conversation, him being here seeing me like this, him wanting to be the hero, made me nervous.
