Page 121 of Uncharted

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I finally had a glimpse of how perfect life could be: spectacular woman, best job in the world, awesome friends. But just like my story always seemed to go, when things seemed too good to be true, they inevitably were. And just as fast as things seemed to turn around for the better, a shitstorm followed and made everything a fucking mess again.

I needed to get out of my apartment. I needed to get out of town. I needed to get out of my own head.

Mark, Quinn, and Liam had to fly home to deal with something that required their immediate attention. But Ben was able to stay a few extra days to hang with me since I missed spending time with the guys at the retreat. Thank God for him and Gretchen, who hadn’t balked at the fact that he was going to extend his visit. I’d have to send her something to show my gratitude.

“You keep grunting like that, I’m gonna think you’re having a heart attack,” Ben said from behind me.

“Fuck off.” We were headed to camp for the night, like two beasts in the woods.

Ben’s laughter echoed around us.

“Just sayin’, after this hike into Timbuktu, I’m not gonna have the energy to haul your sorry ass back down.”

“Fine by me.” I sucked down a gulp of water from my Camelbak. “Just leave my body for the bears. At least it’ll serve some purpose in the end.”

“Quit being such a drama queen.”

I grunted.

“Bear food,” he snorted. “Expect that kinda shit from Quinn or Mark.”

I turned and smirked. “They’d tell you to fuck off too.”

“As I recall, they told you to fuck off into the sun when you had your little melt-down the other day.”

I ran my thumb over my lips, recalling the meeting where I had tried my best to appear like I gave the tiniest shit about what we were discussing. When Jackson had dismissed me, telling me to take a few days off “so my shitty disposition didn’t rub off on everyone else,” I didn’t hesitate.

I was disappointed I had missed the retreat, especially after I heard how great it had been, but there wasn’t any way I would not have been by my girl’s side while she was in the hospital.

My girl. Was she evenmy girlanymore?

“You and your hissy-fit,” he goaded, trying to get me to laugh.

I swished some water around and spat it out. I missed Ben’s foot by an inch. I grinned as his eyebrow jutted up. We both knew I could have hit his foot if I wanted to. “You’re a gigantic dick,” I told him.

His brown eyes danced with glee as he grabbed his crotch and said, “Now you know why they call meThe Hulk.”

My bark of laughter bounced back at us. Ben’s smile reached ear to ear. “Thanks, man.” It was the first time since I left Marisa’s place almost two nights ago that I wasn’t thinking about her.

His laughter joined mine as he told me, “Don’t expect me to say thank you. You’re a terrible date.”

I nodded with another laugh, adjusted the pack on my back, and set the pace again.

An overnight escape to the woods with my friend was exactly what I needed. I wouldn’t have it any other way, but I felt guilty having to give up going on the retreat with the team. Even though everyone understood my decision—even supported and encouraged me to stay with Marisa—it was my retreat. I organized this one. I was supposed to run it. Thankfully, the organization had such an amazing network my absence was barely noticed. I didn’t know whether to frown or smile at that fact.

* * *

“Why are you still acting like someone pissed in your fancy coffee you love so much?”

“It’s called a cappuccino,” I corrected him. “And because as much as I needed to get away from it all, I feel bad.” Grunting, I pounded the last stake into the ground to secure the tent. “I didn’t even have a chance to talk to Marisa about this.”


“Yeah. I wanted to make sure she’d be okay with me not being around.” I threw the mallet into the bag. “Or ask if she’d mind. Not that she can’t take care of herself.” I grunt-snorted. “She’s more than capable, that’s for sure. Just trying to be considerate and give her the option for me to stay.”

“She doing okay?”
