Page 133 of Uncharted

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“But you did.”

“I see.” Those sapphire blue eyes of his pierced straight through me, pinned me motionless as they narrowed in a challenging stare.

“This is all wrong.”

“This was a bad idea. I’m sorry. I should go.”

“No! Wait!”

“What do you expect me to do?” His voice raised an octave.

“Stay. Tyler, stay. Please.” There were so many emotions swimming in his eyes. “I’m saying all the wrong things.” I took a breath. “Let me try and start over.” I took his hand and pulled him with me to the couch. I tucked my legs beneath me and took a deep breath, hoping I could explain things correctly this time. “I’ve spent the last several years shutting myself off from all emotion when it comes to men. It’s the only way I could keep my focus. I’ve only cared about my career and being the best cop I could be.”

“I don’t think that’s anything you should have to apologize for. Ever.”

“But I do, Tyler. I do need to apologize. Because the way I’ve been living messed me up. I’m not used to having to choose between love and work. Or figuring out how to deal with feeling like this. Not used to wanting”—I took his hands in mine—“needing anyone else. Wanting and needing you. And then . . . falling in love was definitely unexpected. I guess, sometimes it takes something, or someone, to make you see the error of your ways.” A chuckle rumbled through him. “What’s so funny?” I asked.

“It appears we’re both in uncharted territory now.” He shook his head. “I didn’t expect to fall in love with you either. I wanted you from the moment I laid eyes on you. That night at dinner totally solidified it. I wanted you bad. So bad. And I figured you’d call things off before I fell too hard.”

“Hmm,” I murmured, playing with the hem of my shirt.

“But that didn’t take long.” He sighed. “I fell for you so quick. I told myself to pump the brakes and cool my jets, but I couldn’t. Like I told you before, there’s just something about you that calls to me.”

I couldn’t resist anymore. I jumped forward into him and claimed his mouth. “God, I missed you.” My words were barely audible between kisses.

Our tongues met as our bodies pressed against each other. We both needed this physical connection. It has been entirely way too long since I’d felt Tyler’s warmth against me. I could feel his dick, hard and tempting, as it pressed against me. Every inch of my body ached for his touch just as much as every part of my heart needed to hear him say that we would be okay.

“I hate that you thought I was pushing you away.” I wanted to wade through the ocean of emotions swelling between us and tell him I wanted to be with him forever. And so, I did. “I need you, Tyler. Please tell me that I’m yours, and you’re mine.”

“Yes, Marisa.” His voice was strained. “Yes, Siren.” He continued to shower me with kisses.

“I can’t even tell you how much I’ve missed kissing you.”

He pulled away and wiped the corners of his mouth with his thumb and index finger. “You need to know, though, that it’s an innate need to be your protector. I will always protect and defend you. I will do anything to prevent you from being hurt.”

“I appreciate that, Tyler. But we both know I can protect myself.”

“For the most part.”

I chuckled. “More than a protector . . . more than anything else I want from you, Tyler, I want you to be my partner.”

“Partner,” he said, testing the word out.

“Here’s some more uncharted territory for you.” I grinned at him.

He brought his mouth to mine again. “What’s that?”

“Marry me,” I said against his.

His head reared back. “What?”

“You heard me.” I knelt to the floor and looked up at him. “Marry me, Tyler Sanderson. I never want to be apart from you again. I want to come home to you. Every single day. I want to be your partner in crime. And in life. I want to explore and experience everything with you.”

For half of a second, I thought he was going to reject me. He closed his eyes and kept them shut as if he was considering his options. But when he opened them, the smile that took up the whole of his face told me he wanted everything I was asking for.

“I want you here when I come home,” I continued. “To tell you about my day. And I want to be there for you. To hear about your day. Listen to you and help you, to be there in every way you’ve been there for me.”

He framed my face and looked into my eyes. “You’re hard-headed, driven, and independent.”
