Page 22 of Uncharted

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The cool air of the night was a welcome relief to the heat built up within me.

The waves were crashing on the beach. I could hear the enchanting sound as we stood just outside the entrance of Roy’s. I wanted to drag Tyler across the street to the sand and shore and make out. Like two teenagers lost in one another and the newness of crushing so hard on someone.

The titillating sensation of taking things to the next level at the beach engaged all the senses. The stars twinkling in the darkened sky, the moon casting a glow off the waves, the aroma of night gardenia floating on the air, the cool breeze blowing off the ocean on our warm skin, the soft sand under our feet . . . it was erotic and heady. As much as I wanted to enjoy Tyler’s touches and kisses at the beach, I wanted him even more in my bed.

He reached down and brushed the hair back from my face. His brow lifted, and he lowered his head so our lips were almost touching. “I’ve been waiting all damn night to do this.”

The anticipation of everything over the course of our date was like a deep underwater explosion about to be set off. The internal shock waves that had built up reached the final ascent and were threatening to detonate, promising the most incredible orgasmic release.

He was dangerously delicious. He was all man. He was man-licious.

And he wanted to kiss me.

In a nano-second, everything went from cool to hot.

His giant frame loomed over me, his lips an inch away from mine. Our eyes met. The electricity that crackled between us was almost palpable. I closed my eyes right before his lips met mine.

He pulled away as if yanked by an invisible force.

“Sorry,” he grumbled as he reached into his pocket and retrieved his phone. “Shit, I gotta take this,” he said and walked away to answer the incoming call.

I stood where I was and clasped my hands since I had nothing to do with them at the moment. Like an impatient child outside a candy store, I waited and watched. Tyler was the candy behind the glass windows, and I couldn’t wait to get inside and get a taste.

Tyler’s scowl and pressed lips did nothing to reassure me that I was going to get dessert tonight. He shoved his phone back into his pocket. “I’m sorry we have to call it a night,” he said.

“Oh.” The single word was said with utter disappointment.

“I really do apologize, but something’s come up with work. They need me to come in.” His face was a mix of annoyance, frustration, and obligated responsibility.

“I get it, Tyler. It’s okay. Sometimes I get called in on emergencies too.” I tried my best to smile. I did completely understand the situation. And while I was going to go home disappointed until I could take care of my needs myself, I couldn’t fault him for his dedication to the job.

“I appreciate your understanding.”

“I had a really nice time with you, Tyler. Thanks for dinner. And for making me laugh. I needed it after the day I had.”

He closed his eyes and gave a nod, which seemed a little painful. After a long pause, he said, “Thanks for agreeing to dinner with me, Marisa.”

It was a great first date. That went without saying. I didn’t want to acknowledge the intense disappointment I felt, knowing the night was coming to an end. Was it because Ireallywanted to take him back to my place, or was it because I wanted to know more about him?

It had to be the sex. There was no way in hell that it was anything other than he was a delicious specimen, and I knew he’d be great in bed. Not to mention that he was funny and down to earth. He didn’t want any strings either, so we were both on the same page. This was definitely exactly what I needed. And wanted.

His perfectly dimpled smile cemented the realization that I wanted to see him again. I really wanted to see him naked. And in my bed. Tonight. But the feelings stirring inside of me proved that I wanted to spend more time with him. His eyes were shadowed under the darkness of the night, and the cute dimples on either side of his mouth highlighted his smile. He was perfectly delicious.

Swallowing my tongue, before I said something stupid that gave my unspoken thoughts away, I looked past the magnificent man in front of me. I needed just a moment. But even with my eyes purposely diverted, I could feel the weight of his blue eyes. The scent of his spicy cologne was assaulting me in the most delicious of ways. His tall, muscular body, even only in my periphery, made it impossible to focus on anything but him.

“I’m sorry we can’t begin your proposal tonight.” His voice was achingly seductive.

I dragged my eyes back to his, frowning because I felt the same way. My words matched my disposition as I whispered, “Me too.”

His scowl was almost a pout. The feeling was mutual. I was as disappointed as he seemed to be. His attention didn’t waver from my lips. “When might youproposewe begin?” The intentional enunciation in which he said the word caused a sensational energy to soar from the apex between my legs to my tiptoes and back up again. My insides were throbbing and fluttering with an urgent need to take this man to bed and have my way with him.

“As soon as possible,” I said.

“My sentiments exactly.” Tyler’s laugh, as it escaped, sounded a bit edgy, but then he shook his head, and the thought disappeared from my head. “I have a couple minutes before I have to leave.” His words were an invitation, a gruff and suggestive enticement.

I licked my lips, finding my mouth suddenly very dry.
