Page 40 of Uncharted

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“What happened?” I asked, presuming something had come in about Donnie Finks.

“We got word that Finks was out of money. Drinking problem. Daniels only found alcohol and weed in his system. She’s still working on everything else,” Davis said.

“’Kay. What about Los Tiburónes?”

“Doesn’t look like there’s any affiliation.”

I looked at the picture on the board we started for Finks. “So why was he shot?”

“Still running down leads and working the information.”

“Stay on it,” I said. All six were pinned to me.

Davis shifted from foot to foot. Lockett was smiling like a madman. Pearson stood with his arms folded across his chest.


Pearson bumped Davis. He cleared his throat.

“What the hell, guys? What’s going on?”

Davis’ eyes darted from me to Lockett and Pearson, then back to me. “We just . . . couldn’t help but notice how happy you seem lately.”


“Yeah. Less on edge. Lesspentup,” Davis said.

Pearson grunted a laugh, his eyes dancing in amusement.

Lockett leaned forward, both hands propped on my desk. “So, tell us, Detective, how’s it going withTyler?” He crooned Tyler’s name at the end.

“I am not regaling you with stories of Tyler.”

“Why not?” Pearson asked.

“And how doyouknow his name?” I asked Lockett and Pearson, snapping my eyes to Davis. I narrowed them at him like I was adding his name to my hit list.

He gave an innocent shrug. “Can you at least show us a picture?” Davis asked. “Come on, Mari. Show us a pic.” Pretty soon he was going to stomp his feet and throw a temper tantrum.

“No.” I was resolute in my stance of keeping Tyler to myself. Well, at least out of these fuckers’ mouths.

“You are so unkind,” Davis said, pouting.

I shook my head and jutted my thumb at Lockett and Pearson. “I can’t believe you told these two yahoos about him.”

“Maybe he’s not real. She made him up,” Locket teased.

“Ooh,” Pearson crooned.

“Nah, he’s real,” Davis said.

“Thank you,” I said, glad he had my back.

He smirked. “I’ve seen her texting him.”

“When?” I asked, smacking him like he was my little brother.

He pinched me in retaliation. “When you didn’t know I was looking,” he said smugly.
