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Chapter Twenty


I chose a public place for our confrontation. I already know Pierce is hostile and can’t handle his shit. If things get violent, I wanted to make sure there are plenty of witnesses this time. The park seemed like a good idea, but the crappy weather means it’s emptier than it should be for late afternoon. A few people have gone by but not enough to guarantee a bystander. If Pierce is smart enough, he could time things right and get me in a lot of trouble, especially since he has evidence that I’m the one who initiated this meeting.

Was it stupid to challenge him directly? Probably. Definitely, but I was already on edge from the news that the exculpatory evidence we’d been chasing had been found and dismissed when Iz showed me those texts from Pierce. Something snapped, and I knew I had to end this once and for all.

One of us is going to prison tonight. Not sure which.

“Do you honestly think there’s anything you can say or do to make me back off?” he sneers.

We’re about ten feet apart at the water’s edge of the small lake. Usually, this place is bustling with activity, but right now it’s deserted as if we reserved this location for our brawl.

“Do you honestly think I don’t know you brought backup?” I say, flicking my head toward the two guys leaning against the tree nearby. They’re not even trying to be discreet. The three of them practically walked in together. “What, too afraid to face me alone?”

“I’m not an idiot. How do I know you didn’t come here to shoot me?” he asks.

“How do I knowyoudidn’t come here to shootme?” I counter.

“Maybe I did,” he says. “Everyone would believe it was self-defense.” He lifts his phone and waves his screen in front of me. “You calledmehere, remember?”

“Yes, because we’re ending this. Enough with the games and harassing Isabel. You’re going to leave her the fuck alone. She doesn’t want you. She never will. I don’t know who the hell she’ll end up with, but it won’t be either of us. She deserves way better.”

“Better than a Harrison? That trailer trash? Not a chance.”

I storm forward, blood boiling. His mouth spreads into a derisive grin, and I know this is exactly what he wanted. I’m playing right into his hands. He’s going to provoke me until I snap and end up with an assault charge.

No. Not happening.

I force myself calm. I faced threats ten times this almost every day since the minute I landed at SCI Burlington.

“The fact that you would even say that about her, even if it’s just to bait me, proves you don’t really care about her. Do you even want a relationship or is it just that you can’t stand the thought of her choosing me over you?”

His face reddens with fury, and I allow a retaliatory smirk.

“That’s it, isn’t it?” I continue now that I’ve hooked him. “This isn’t even about her. It’s aboutme. It’s about the whiny rich boy who didn’t get what he wanted for probably the first time in his life. Even worse, you lost out to a nobody with a criminal record. That has to be hard to live down in front of your friends.” I motion toward the guys near the tree.

“You want to end this, you fucker? Let’s go,” he says.

My blood goes cold when he reaches into his coat and pulls out a glorified pocket knife.

Oh shit. This dude is for real. But even he can’t be stupid enough to use it. I’m sure it’s just more flexing, a suspicion that’s confirmed when his friends straighten in alarm and start toward us. Clearly, they didn’t sign up to murder anyone.

Pierce steps forward, and I take a step back.

“What, you scared? A big tough guy like you?” He gestures with the knife, and I hold up my hands.

“Come on. We can settle this without weapons. You want to fight? I’m all for it, but no one needs to get seriously injured.”

“You actually think I’d fight you?” he snarls. “No, asshole. You’re going to attack me and get a one-way ticket back where you belong.”

He casts a knowing look at his friends, and his plan comes into sharp focus.

Fuck. The other guys already have their phones out to film this confrontation. They’re planning to stage something and set me up. I’ll have to be very careful.

I stare back into a face so consumed with hate, it’s barely recognizable as human. This is the person stalking Isabel? This is what she’ll have to fear for the rest of her life?

No. That can’t happen. I’d rather go back to prison.
