Page 16 of Flawless Prize

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You. You. You. That’s what she always used to say. You have the power to make things happen.

I just need the courage to take the first step.

My mother staysherself for most of the day. These times are so precious, I never want to leave her when she’s like that. So I stay, doing jigsaw puzzles with her and reminiscing about memories from when I was a kid, until finally, it’s time for her afternoon nap.

“Maybe she’ll have another good day soon,” I tell Joanie hopefully.


As I head to the subway, her words echo in my mind.

“You have to follow your heart. Fight for him, Juliet.”

It might be because advice from my mom is a rare and precious thing these days, but her words seem to take on extra meaning. Life is short. Anything can happen. I thought I’d have years with her, but instead, I have to settle for fleeting glimpses of the mother that I used to know.

I don’t want to miss my chance with Caleb. I don’t want to look back, years from now, and wish I’d done more. Fought harder. Put my heart on the line.

I want to be looking back with him. Sharing memories with him.

Watching our love grow, not end before its time.

I feel my heart, beating faster as I realize what I have to do.

The journey to his apartment blurs as my nerves grow, tangling in my stomach. The front desk personnel at his apartment building are used to seeing me. They wave me in, and I head up to his penthouse, pulse racing like crazy.

I still have a key, so I walk right in.

“Juliet?” Caleb stops dead in the middle of the living room. He clearly isn’t expecting company, because he isn’t his usual formal self, like he was earlier that day. Jacket gone. Tie off. Dress shirt open at the collar, rolled up at the sleeves, the way that makes my knees go weak. “What the hell are you—”

“Don’t.” I hold up a hand, and miraculously, it works to silence him. “You’ve had your say. Now it’s my turn to speak.”
