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Never saw this day coming.

Pregnant and back home with my parents, in my old room. Isn’t that a kick in the chops?

Haven’t shared thenewswith anybody yet either, but it’s obvious I’ll have to. Also have to be careful about how I do it. Don’t want to blurt it out.Hey, Mom! Dad! Got knocked up and lost my job. Mind if I stay a while longer? They’ll let me, of course, because they love me. Just not the way I wanted things to be.

My heart aches, and my body is numb. How could Noah do this to me? I loved him so much.

“You coming down?” my mother hollers up at me.

I’ve been sulking in my room since I returned, and Mom’s not having any more of it. She said to me this morning, after waking me up, “I don’t know what’s wrong with you, young lady, but you better snap out of it. You hear me?”

“Yes, Mom.”

I don’t see me snapping out of it, though. I’m damaged. A total wreck. But I need to humor her if nothing else. “Be right down,” I holler and start getting dressed. Let the games begin.

* * *

“I’m ready,” I say when I reach the bottom of the stairs. We’re going grocery shopping because Mom wants to have a family dinner tonight. My brother and sister are coming over.

“In the kitchen,” Mom shouts.

I head in, and there he sits. I smile. “Hello, Bobby.”

Bobby Franken is my best friend and has been since middle school. Back in high school, the girls constantly badgered me about him.Hey, Amber, can you have Bobby call me? Is Bobby seeing anyone right now? Do you think Bobby would go out with me? Can you hook me up with Bobby? Are you and Bobby doing it?

Can’t blame the girls for asking because Bobby was so handsome. Still is with his firm chin and broad shoulders. Wavy blond hair. Eyes bluer than the Maldives’ waters. And what a beautiful soul. He’s perfect for anyone except me.

“How are you, Amber?” he asks and stands.

We meet halfway around the table and hug. “Nice to see you, Bobby. How’s the shop? Business good?”

Bobby’s a mechanic and has his own place.

“Everything’s great,” he answers. “How ‘bout with you?”

I let my gaze wander. “Fine.” Bring my focus back to him. Tilt my head a skosh. “How did you find out I was here?”

“Ahh. You know. I heard it from somewhere that you were back in town, so I thought I’d better come and visit.”

“And that was nice of you,” Mom interrupts. “But we have to go. You can talk to Amber some more tonight if you’d like to come to dinner.”

“I’d like that.”

“Six o’clock?”

“I’ll be here.”

“Good. Now let’s go.” Mom shoos Bobby, picks up her purse, and pushes my shoulder. “Come on.”

* * *

Grocery shopping was a needed distraction, and when we return home, I help Mom prep for dinner. It’s exhausting.

“I’m tired, Mom. Mind if I take a nap?”
