Page 1 of Paws Off

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I readjustthe box in my arms and take a deep breath of the salty sea air.

Yeah, I think this move is going to do me good.

I grew up in New York City as an only child. My parents were great and doted on me, but they're not here anymore. I finally realized nothing was keeping me in that God-forsaken place, so I took the jump and moved to sunny California to be near my best friend.

I met Jeremy at college. We were thrown together as roommates, and we just hit it off and became total bros.Oh, we're as different as night and day. But maybe we complement each other or something because we get along so well.

However, when Jeremy was out hooking up with every hot babe he could find on campus, I was back in the dorms, staying focused and studying. I was determined to get my business degree and make my parents proud.

Echoes of my devastation hit me as I remember getting the call that they had been in a car crash, killing them both on impact.

I miss them like crazy, but I know they'd be proud of where I am today. I got out with a business degree and a computer science one to boot. So, naturally, I started my own software company and made my first million.

After college, Jeremy returned to the West Coast, where his family lives and where he has a sister he takes care of.

I was pretty lonely in the Big Apple all by myself until Jeremy finally put it to me straight in a way that only a guy's best friend can.

Dude, there's nothing holding you there. Why don't you come out where I'm at?

His words were a huge revelation. It finally dawned on me. Fuck it. I might as well.

At least my best bud will be out here, so I'll have somebody to grab a beer with now and then.

As much as I sound like a loser, I know I could attract willing female companionship if I wanted it. But call me crazy because I'm waiting for that special someone. If I ever settle down with a woman, I want to have what my parents had. I remember the love that surrounded them whenever they were together.

Yeah, that's what I want. A wife, a family, the whole nine yards. All or nothing.

I just don't know if that's in the cards for me. I've never foundthe one.

Maybe she's out here somewhere on the West Coast.

A grin tips the corners of my mouth as I carry the box up to the porch of my new pad.

I almost stumble and fall when a fluffy, cinnamon-colored ball comes zipping around my legs.

"Whoa!" I catch myself just in time.

I steady the box before laying it gently on my porch while regarding the little dog yipping up at me. Her tongue is lolling out of her mouth, which I swear is wide with a grin. She yips at me and stands on her hind legs, waving her front paws at me in supplication.

I chuckle and bend to let her sniff my hand, though it's clear from the way she's dancing up and down that we don't need that formality. This little pup has already decided that she likes me. She doesn't even sniff my hand before giving it a little lick, clearly granting me permission to run my hand over her soft fur.She arches up into my touch more like a cat than a dog, and I chuckle again.

"Trixie!" I hear a soft, feminine voice calling the dog's name in a reprimand.

I look up and go completely still.

Oh my god. The most beautiful creature I've ever seen in my entire life is standing in front of me. She’s wearing bright yellow shorts and a navy and white tank top. Her hair is blonde, bleached light by the sun, and flows midway down her back.

She walks closer to me, and my eyes trail up from her flip-flops all the way up those long legs to the most startling pair of blue eyes I've ever seen. They're clearer than a summer day and just as captivating.Pretty pink lips and an upturned nose sit on a round face.

"I'm so sorry!" She apologizes to me for her little pup.

"It's okay. We were just getting acquainted."

The dog pushes her nose into my hand, and I stroke her from the top of her head to the tip of her tail. I pick her up and stand, holding her in my arms.
