Page 3 of Paws Off

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I could killmy brother for calling. Healwayscalls me at the worst possible time. This time, I was just getting to meet my insanely hot new next-door neighbor. And when I say he's insanely hot, I mean he's melt-your-panties-right-off-you hot. Jason Mamoa hot. Mr. Tall, Dark, and Sexy hot. Mr. Please Take my Virginity hot.

Thatkinda hot.


I'm convinced my brother has a tracker implanted in my ass that alerts him when I'm around a hot guy because healwayscalls and screws it up. Okay, I can't remember the last time I was around a hot guy, but you get my drift.

I can't remember the last time I went out on a date, but that's not the point. It's been forever since I found anyone I wanted to date, but anytime I do, my brother gives them the third degree. You'd think he was my father and not my brother with how overprotective and overbearing he is. I know it's because he loves me. Since we were little kids, our parents were busy traveling the world, so it's always been Jeremy and me for as long as I can remember.

When Mom and Dad weren't around, which was pretty much all the time, Jeremy stepped up and parented me. He's the best big brother ever, and he's certainly gone above and beyond the call of duty as a sibling.

We've always been close. I missed him terribly when he went off to college, but now that he's home, he's about to drive me freaking crazy checking up on me.

He senses danger around every corner.

Talking of danger…

I glance over my shoulder to see Stone still looking at me, his stormy grey eyes intense. The man screams danger and excitement. I don't mean he's dangerous like he'd hurt me—somehow, I justknowhe wouldn't. No, it's more like the kind of dangerous where fathers wouldn’t leave their daughters alone with him. No woman in her right mind could resist a hunk like Stone.

I stroke my hands over Trixie's fur. I could both strangle and kiss her for running outside like that. My rambunctious little puppy has a mind of her own. She loves to run around outside, but I hate it when I open the door and she runs off.I'm scared that she's going to run into the road one day and get hurt.

But this time, it seems she was as enamored with the big sexy man next door as I am.

My god, the man is enormous with bulging muscles that strain against his shirt. His dark hair and brown eyes are as tempting as chocolate, and his square jawline with its bit of stubble is so sexy.

He looked to be at least my brother's age, so that puts him at about seven years older than me.

And my goodness, the way he stroked his hand over Trixie from the top of her head to the tip of her tail. I've never been jealous of my puppy, but I was then.

I give her a halfhearted glare. "You little slut," I tell her with envy, wishing it had been me those gigantic hands had stroked over. Trixie gives me a look that clearly says, "You're just jealous."

Damn right I am.

I snort to myself as I imagine my brother trying to give Stone the third degree. My brother may be big and tall, but he's got nothing on Stone. Gosh, even his name sounds hard and masculine. It fits the man because he's built like a fucking stone.

I clench my thighs together involuntarily as I peek out of my window and watch as the man continues to cart box after box into his house.

I consider going out and offering to help him, but he looks like he's got it in hand. Plus, those boxes are nearly as big as I am, so I wouldn’t be much help. I'd be in the way, and, let’s face it, could I be any more obvious? I don't want to come across as pathetic by throwing myself at some hot guy who probably has beautiful women dripping off both arms.

Still, I can't resist peeking out my window to check if a girlfriend or, God-forbid, a wife joins him.

A shiver of satisfaction goes through me when he finally finishes carrying all his boxes in and I haven't seen a woman come along. I didn't think to check his finger and see if there was a ring there. It doesn't look like he's with anyone, but how is a man like himnottaken?

I shake my head and step back, running a hand through my hair. What am I doing? I'm just some silly nineteen-year-old girl. Even if he's not in a relationship, that's not to say he's going to want anything to do withme.

Trixie runs over to the water ball and laps up the water before she flops onto her side and lays there panting like the morning's events were too much for her.

"Yeah, me too, little pup," I sigh, glancing at Stone on his front porch.

He sits in a chair and surveys his lawn while I gape at him and feel like a voyeur eyeing him this way.

I chew on my lip and consider my possibilities. I don't want to look like a fangirl, but I'm tired of never taking chances. Didn't I just tell myself earlier this summer that I'm going to put myself out there more? I started by enrolling in design school—unbeknownst to my brother. Yeah, I can't wait for the conversation we're going to have about that once he finds out I did it without telling him.

But back to my neighbor…I should at least go over and be friendly. Weareneighbors, so it's not like I’ll be flirting with him or anything. I'm just being neighborly.
