Page 21 of No More Hiding

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“Will you put some in mine?” Jenna asked.

“The last time you wanted the color in your hair, you got mad it didn’t last,” Hannah said.

“Yes, Mom,” Jenna said. “I know. But it was red and I didn’t like it with my blonde hair. And if I don’t like it and it doesn’t come out, I’ll cut it. How about just doing my ends? Please?”

Vivian looked at the clock. The shop was going to open in fifteen minutes. “Maybe at the end of the day if Cat isn’t busy and you want to stay around you can. Or I’ll do it if you want.”

“Thank you,” Jenna said, going over and kissing Vivian on the cheek. “You’re the best. Have a donut. Or maybe just a streak instead of the ends. I can never make up my mind.”

Which told her that it might not happen anyway because that was Jenna. Always saying she wanted one thing but never following through.

She laughed and watched Jenna and Hannah, then looked down at Cat. “If you don’t want to do it for her, I will.”

“I can. We can figure out the schedule. It’s easy to do and she can sit out of the way and then style her own hair when it’s done. She can wash it herself too,” Cat said laughing, then whispered when Jenna walked to the front, “If she doesn’t change her mind again.”


“Hi, Camile,” Jenna said when the door opened. “Vivian will be right with you.”

“I’ll get the rest,” Cat said of the bleach in her hair. “You did the back first.”

Vivian finished with the bleach and then went to get Camile from the front.

Moments later Blair Aire walked in, Hannah’s cousin and the owner of a shop all things candles and lotions with healing properties that were also sold in the shop here.

“Good morning, Blair,” Vivian said. “How is that sweet boy of yours? He’s going to be a year soon, right?”

Blair grinned. “Next month. It’s hard to believe. Livi is already pestering me for another one.”

“And are you ready to give in to her?” Hannah asked. Livi was Blair’s stepdaughter.

“Philip and I are talking about it. I’d like one more, but we are trying to figure out the timing. I’d ask about you, but we know you’re more traditional and want a band to go with the ring on your finger. Brina and I never cared one way or the other.”

Brina Shepard-Randal was Hannah’s sister who was a strong independent woman and an attorney. She’d always said she didn’t need a man and when she wanted a child she’d figure it out on her own. But she’d met her investigator husband and they’d had a little girl, Mya, five months ago in March.

“I’m sure I’ll have children, but yes, I’d like to be married first. Cash isn’t one to move fast. We are still barely wedding planning.”

“I thought you had a date?” Vivian asked.

“Not a definite one yet. A few more weeks and it’d be a year that I met the grouchy man I’m engaged to. The one that turned down my water working in the heat.”

Cash owned his own landscaping company and did the bulk of his business with Butler Construction who also owned the building Hannah rented.

“He’s not so grouchy now, is he?” Cat asked.

“No,” Hannah said. “And, Blair, let’s get you started.”

“Yes,” Blair said. “Let’s because I had a dream about Vivian.”

“Ohhhh,” Cat said. “Please share.”

Vivian felt her heart pound and her pulse race. No, she didn’t want any dreams about her being shared, but she couldn’t very well say that.

“It all started out with Vivian outside working on her flowers,” Blair said. “Then a man walked by.”

No reason to admit she was gardening as it could have been a good guess since she talked about gardening all the time.

“There is no man in my life,” she said. Cat turned to look at her where she was texting on her phone.
