Page 84 of No More Hiding

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He went to his office, logged in. One tunnel led to another and another. He finally found their daughter, Alexa Violet Carmichael. The same age as Vivian.

A chill ran over him.

His mind screamed no, his gut told him to keep digging.

He went with his gut because it’d never led him wrong. The timing was right with Vivian’s age. She’d admitted her mother committed suicide. Nothing on her father.

Hours later, he found what he was looking for.

At age sixteen Alexa Violet Carmichael became Vivian Getman. His search showed that Getman was her grandmother’s maiden name. Vivian a great-grandmother’s name.

Some of this was right there to put together if they knew what he did. What someone wouldn’t be able to see was that Vivian was issued a new social security number, and Alexa’s ceased to exist at the same time.

Only those with his kind of access could find it, which meant she had government help to hide her.


He got out fast, covered his tracks, and made sure there were no signs he was there.

He had access, no one would think anything of it, it was a few hours of search, but he wouldn’t go back.

He didn’t fear any fallback on him. What he was more worried about was if Vivian could be tracked through him, so he’d make sure that couldn’t happen.

Now he had to figure out what to do about it.

This was a whopper of a secret. Some might say a massive lie she was living, but he knew better than anyone.

What hurt the worst was he fell in love with someone who wasn’t who she said she was and he wasn’t sure he could reconcile that.

The thought of losing another person in his life was eating him up though.

He had a few days before he’d see her again. He would try to process it until then because that was what he did best. Get the facts, analyze and process.

Only it’d never affected him personally before.

What did affect him personally though was Rob interrupting his sleep that night.

“Dude, that was wrong.”

“She lied to me,” he argued.

“There had to be a reason. You know yourself that only you were able to access that and you worked hard to get it. You know you did.”

“Were you standing over my shoulder as I worked?”

“That’s not working. That is hacking,” Rob said.

“I didn’t hack anything. I have access.”

“If it makes your conscience feel better to use that excuse then good for you.”

“I don’t need the lecture.”

“You need something. And I’m going to tell you to let it go. There is a reason you don’t know and shouldn’t know. Don’t bring it up. And did she really lie to you? You never asked her if she changed her identity, did you?”

“Don’t play those games with me,” he said. “I’m not in the mood.”

“Why are you pissed? She had government protection. Put yourself in her shoes. You, out of everyone, know more than you should what goes on in the world and the manipulations.”
