Page 63 of Fat Omega

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Arlo’s bite is just a scar; omegas can’t create pack bonds like alphas can. But I can feel him through my bond with Reese. And I love having a mark from him that shows we belong to each other. I left my own bite mark on each of their necks during that first heat, and I love to lick the scars when we fuck. Through our bond, we can feel each other’s emotions, and send feelings to each other. Right now, both of my partners are feeling very annoyed with Willard Peters.

“Haven, a lot of fans were critical of you for coming into the game so late,” says Willard.

“Is that so?” I reply.

“Well, they seem to be saying that it wasn’t really fair. That you didn’t have to go through all the same challenges that the others did.”

“Well it wasn’t up to her,” Arlo says, stiffening next to me.

“Of course, of course, because you were in anAfter Darkhouse at first, weren’t you, Haven?”

“I was,” I say with a smile. “The production team has learned a lot from this season of Omega Girls, though. As we all learned, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Relegating some omegas to theAfter Darkhouses because the producers decide they’re not quite camera-ready? It’s a pretty shitty thing to do.”

Willard winces at my use of the word ‘shitty,’ but then seems to remember that this isn’t live, so it’s ok. He smiles again, turning his attention to Beatrice, who is sitting across from me, her hands folded in her lap.

“Let’s talk about you, Beatrice. You caused a big commotion right before the season finale, when you switched out all the choosing liquid.”

Beatrice grins, shrugging. “Well you know me, Willard, I like to make a statement.”

“But… what was the statement you were trying to make, exactly?”

Beatrice gives Willard a withering look. “The point was to create chaos, really. To show that it’s all just a mirage.”

“But don’t our viewers already know that?” Willard asks, creasing his brow with feigned confusion. “It’s a television show, isn’t it?”

“Maybe people watching know that it isn’t real, and maybe they don’t. But what I’m guessing is that they don’t know exactly what omegas go through. The pressure to be perfect, to be this submissive, beautiful, patient object… it’s basically impossible.”

“And how did what you did show that?” Willard asks. “Because you know, we had to redo the rose ceremony afterwards. The only black roses were the ones you received yourself.”

Beatrice scoffs. “The feeling was mutual, by the way,” she calls at the alphas waiting off-screen. “I wasn’t going to red-rose any of them, no matter what.”

“Why is that, Beatrice? Don’t you want love?”

Beatrice hesitates for a moment, and I swear I see a flash of vulnerability in her eyes before she says, “A bite doesn’t mean love. It means ownership. So far, in my life, I haven’t seen anyone worthy of giving up that much of myself.”

“Is that how you see it, Haven?” Willard asks.

“It can mean ownership, for certain packs,” I say. “And if I were Beatrice, I would probably be suspicious of it, too. For me, my pack is the right one, so I’m happy to be bonded to them. If I were bitten by someone else, I might not see it the same way.”

Willard blinks as if this is getting too deep for him. His smile gets broad again as he pointedly turns his attention to the woman sitting next to her. “And you, Lilah, I hear you were planning to offer a red rose to your pack of choice, but Beatrice blew that up with her demonstration. Afterwards, Pack Four opted not to choose anyone. How did that make you feel?”

Lilah smiles, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. “You know, Willard, it’s alright with me. I think when you’re on the show, you get wrapped up in the idea of making a choice. But since I’ve been off the show, I’ve had a lot of offers. It seems that I, too, have something special.”

“All of you do,” Willard says, smiling. “Now, let’s move on to Barbara…”

Three hours later, the taping is finally over, and I’m completely exhausted. I walk to the dressing room with a sigh, leaning against the counter. “You look worn out, lemons. Are you all right?” asks Reese, coming up behind me. He nuzzles against his bite, sending a wave of concern down our bond.

I lift my hand up to his cheek and touch him, closing my eyes for a moment in gratitude. “I’m more than all right,” I say finally. “I have you.”

“No thanks to him, really,” Arlo says, strolling into the room. He scowls when he sees me leaning on the counter, and comes over to my other side, his brow creased in concern. “Wait,areyou alright?”

“I’m fine,” I say. “But, I did go to the doctor yesterday…”

Both my men go white as sheets, and my heart aches a little at the sweetness of it.

“It turns out we’re expecting a baby.” I touch my stomach gently. “I’m not that far along but — oof!”

The two men almost knock the wind out of me with their embrace. They lift me up between them, telling me tenderly how happy they are with words and kisses and emotions pouring through our bond.

“You found out yesterday and you didn’t tell us?” Arlo says accusingly.

I roll my eyes. “I knew you wouldn’t let me leave the house again without an armored car, so yeah, I decided to wait until this reunion thing was over.”

“You’re right about that,” Reese growls. “Armored cars, armored guards, the works.” He pulls me against his chest, kissing the top of my head. “You’re incredible, Haven.”

I smile against him, and sigh with happiness. Because the truth is? He’s absolutely right.
