Page 135 of Merciless

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A shove to my chest from Wraith knocks me back into my former crouched position against the concrete wall.

“What the fuck was that for?” I thunder at him. “Look at this shit,” I say, gesturing around the warehouse floor, flames spreading everywhere, the Gatekeepers surrounding us, firing at us like unhinged machines. “I could’ve got in a shot until you stopped me!”

“Cal,” Char says, reaching out and stroking my back. “It was too risky.”

Wraith settles back down on her other side, telling me, “I get it, all right? I know you’re in beast mode right now. But there’s a time and a place. Believe me, I’m the leading authority on that. You need to hold it back until there’s a window. Then I’ll be right there with you.”

“We need a break in their fire,” Char says. “When they reload.”

“Fuck. By the time that window comes, it might be too goddamn late. We ain’t going out this way. After all this time, everything we’ve fought through, it ain’t ending here like this.”

Charlotte squeezes my shoulder. I see her about to say something, but she’s pulled up short when all the gunfire abruptly ceases.

We chance a look over our cover, shocked at what we see.

All the Gatekeepers have their hands raised in the air, their weapons dropped at their feet. Ten guys decked out in leather jackets and jeans, their faces shielded by ski masks, have their pistols trained on them.

One of them gestures our way, crooking a finger. “You’re safe to break cover. We’ve got you.”

At our hesitation, because we have no clue who the hell these guys are, the apparent leader continues, “Our orders come from King.”

“Julian King’s foot soldiers,” Char breathes in wonder. “We’re good to go.”

Our guns still raised and at the ready, the three of us emerge from beneath the scaffolding, out into the open.

“Where’s Cristian?” Char asks. Well, with her no-bullshit-tone, it’s more like a command.

“King has his six.”

I shake my head to myself. Evasive as possible. Great.

The guy flinches and taps his earpiece, answering, “Go ahead, boss.” He listens for a moment, then responds. “Copy that.”

“Fresh intel?” Wraith asks.

“Priest is making a break for it through the north access point. What’s left of it, anyway.”

He starts dividing up his men, ordering some to stay, some to pursue Priest.

The fuck with this.

I ain’t trusting this to these guys I don’t have a clue about.

In the next beat, I’m tearing toward the south exit. Ain’t gonna make it to the north one from here with all the debris, fallen pallet racks and scaffolding, and crates in the way.

I hear Char calling after me, but I don’t stop.

My body’s burning and protesting every step of my sprint, but I ain’t gonna let it rest yet. Not until the mission’s done.

That motherfucker is going down!

Fucking now!

I’m almost upon the loading dock when a flash of movement catches my eye.
