Page 47 of Merciless

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Priest thinks he’s the devil in our world.

He’s just a low-down demon with a superiority complex. Just like all the rest.

I’mthe devil.

The one with the power to smite down those like him.

Make them scream.

Make them bleed.

Make them kneel.

This fucked-up realm of blood and death is mine. I ruled it once, for a hell of a long time. And I’m taking it all back.

He’s brought me to that, thinking he can force my hand and threaten those I care about, the few still left breathing, the ones I can’t add to the list of the fallen.

Once again, being who I am has endangered those tied to me. Last time it happened, I backed down, thinking it would minimize the collateral damage, the blood on my hands. Didn’t exactly play out how I wanted. Because I let go of my power. I gave it over to save my loved ones.

Ain’t gonna make the same mistake twice.

They don’t need a hero, or no born-again saint trying to do the right thing. That ain’t gonna cut it with somebody like Priest.

They need the devil in me.

Shoulda never tried to deny it. It’s who I am. I was born with blood on my hands. I’ll die drowning in it.

But today ain’t that day.

The sacrifice play can’t be the way to go. That’s a hero’s role anyhow. Can’t be taking that on. That won’t keep them all safe. That’s clear to me now.

I gotta be the villain. Villains don’t compromise. They stop at nothing. Morals and all that bull don’t touch them, don’t get in the way. There’s just the win and nothing else.

That’s what’s needed to keep everybody safe. Anything less ain’t enough.

My thoughts come grinding to a halt when I see a sharp turn up ahead, realizing all this intensity rolling through me has me riding like an out-of-control maniac, a man with a death wish.

I take it down a notch and make the turn with no problems.

My fingers tighten on the handlebars as Priest’s voice plays in my mind like a taunting bitch.

“Ah, Dealer, I’ve been expecting your call. She’s fine, unharmed. She won’t be leaving here, until we arrange a meet though.”

So sure of himself, so certain he’s holding all the cards.

“Excellent. Smart decision. I’ll be seeing you.”

Smarmy little shit.

I’m almost at the garage where I gotta pick up some gear to be ready for Priest, when something catches my eye on the road up ahead.

Some kind of obstacle. A blockade, maybe. It’s shrouded by the dark of the night. But it won’t be when I get a little closer and my headlights touch it.

That don’t take long and before I know it, I’m seeing a bike blocking the already real narrow backroad. Well, at least I ain’t driving my backup truck. With my Harley, I got a lot to play with here.

Any idea of doing that goes right out the window when I watch the rider step into the path of my headlights.

Well, shit.
